Discover Japan's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Japan.
A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOSonevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode
Xcode plug-in which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift.typcn/bilibili-mac-client
An unofficial bilibili client for macninjinkun/NJKWebViewProgress
UIWebView progress interfaceshu223/iOS8-Sampler
Code examples for the new features of iOS 8.kishikawakatsumi/UICKeyChainStore
UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.shu223/iOS7-Sampler
Code examples for the new features of iOS 7.shu223/AnimatedTransitionGallery
A gallery app of custom animated transitions for iOS.sureJiang/MSCrashProtector
An Global protection scheme..sureJiang/MSRocketGiftAnimation
Live Room rocket gift animationsureJiang/MSNotificationProtector
No intrusive automatic removal of notifications added below iOS9sureJiang/MSSCrollGuideView
Keyframeanimation user guided animationshu223/PulsingHalo
iOS Component for creating a pulsing animation.recruit-mp/RMPZoomTransitionAnimator
A custom zooming transition animation for UIViewControllermixi-inc/iOSTraining
Training course repository for iOS app developmentra1028/RACollectionViewReorderableTripletLayout
The custom collectionView layout that can perform reordering of cells by dragging it.sureJiang/MSRotationTabBar
UITabBar Rotation Animation Demoliquidx/webviewscreensaver
Mac OS X Screen Saver powered by a Web Viewapparition47/MailTrackerBlocker
Email tracker, read receipt and spy pixel blocker plugin for macOS Mail (10.11-13.x)kishikawakatsumi/PEPhotoCropEditor
Image cropping library for iOS.kimsungwhee/KSHObjcUML
KSHObjcUML can show oriented graph of dependencies between Objective-C and Swift classes in your projectkishikawakatsumi/SECoreTextView
SECoreTextView is multi style text view.ninjinkun/NJKScrollFullScreen
Scroll to full screen like Facebook appnaotaka/ClipMenu
A clipboard manager for Mac OS Xakkyie/AKPickerView
A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view.onevcat/VVBlurPresentation
A simple way to present a view controller with keeping the blurred previous one.norio-nomura/EasySIMBL
EasySIMBL is modified "SIMBL" for OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 or 10.10 supporting sandbox, resume. No installer.kevinzhow/Waver
Siri like waverpikacode/EBBannerView
Just 1 lineīŧShow a banner the same as iOS 9~13 Notification, or show a custom view. åĒéä¸čĄäģŖį īŧåąį¤ēčˇ iOS įŗģįģä¸æ ˇįæ¨ééįĨæ¨Ēåš īŧæåąį¤ēä¸ä¸ĒčĒåŽäšį viewãæ¯ææ¨ĒåąãčĒå¨éåēåį§æēåãčĒå¨åŖ°éŗ/éå¨ãlyokato/FBDigitalFont
This library includes some kind of digital fonts (not TTF or something, just CoreGraphics drawing)semweb/GreatReader
A "great" PDF reader for iOS. Available on the App Store.onevcat/VVSpringCollectionViewFlowLayout
A spring-like collection view layout. The same effect like iOS7's Message.appdiwu/DWURecyclingAlert
Optimizing UITableViewCell For Fast Scrollingkishikawakatsumi/ClassicMap
Google Map is back to iOS 6.diwu/RunLoopWorkDistribution
iOS Fast Scrolling with RunLoop Work Distributionkishikawakatsumi/JavaScriptBridge
Write iOS apps in Javascript! JavaScriptBridge provides the way to write iOS apps with JavaScript. Powered by JavaScriptCore.framework.takuma104/ntlniph
NatsuLiphone - The twitter client for iPhone / iPod touchliu044100/SmileTouchID
A Library for configure Touch ID & passcode convenientlyshu223/UIActivityCollection
A collection of UIActivity providers.shu223/SlowMotionVideoRecorder
120/240 fps SLO-MO video recorder using AVFoundation. Including convenient wrapper class.liu044100/SmileWeather
A library for Search & Parse the weather data from Wunderground & Openweathermap conveniently.kishikawakatsumi/UCZProgressView
UCZProgressView is a circular progress indicator for image loading.yasuoza/YOChartImageKit
Chart image framework for watchOSinket/Autoclick
A simple Mac app that simulates mouse clicksyujinakayama/NAKPlaybackIndicatorView
A UIView that mimics the music playback indicator in the on iOS 7+liquidx/CoreBluetoothPeripheral
Demonstration of using CoreBluetooth on Mac and iOSfjolnir/DatabaseKit
An Objective-C database abstraction framework.rjyo/Air-Test
A tool that will make a lot of iPhone/iPad developers' life easier. It shares your app over-the-air in a WiFi network. Bonjour is used and no configuration is needed.lyokato/FBGlowLabel
Label UI which supports glow effectkishikawakatsumi/MapKit-Route-Directions
Extend MapKit to add route directions powered by Google Maps API.typcn/163music-mac-client-unlock
Unlock netease music mac client using dylib injectkaiinui/UIColor-uiGradientsAdditions
[iOS] Beautiful colors from uiGradientsJunichiT/JTMaterialSwitch
A Customizable Switch UI for iOS, Inspired from Google's Material Designtakashisite/TSPopover
UIPopover like UI for iPhoneakiroom/AXRatingView
Star mark rating view with flat design for iOS8, iOS9, iOS10kishikawakatsumi/ScreenRecorder
Capturing a screen as videos on iOS devices for user testing.kevinzhow/pop-handapp
POP Handappben-ng/phonegap-air
Put your web app in the iOS App Store and update it whenever you want.y-hryk/YSLContainerViewController
You can insert some Blocks before and after the method like Aspect Oriented Programming.akiroom/AXStretchableHeaderTabViewController
Stretchable header view + Horizontal swipable tab viewy-hryk/YSLDraggableCardContainer
NSDate utility library that is compatible with NSDate-Extensions API.kaiinui/KIChameleonView
[iOS] A magical image view! Can be a movie, or an anim gif, or normal png, jpgs.recruit-mp/RMPScrollingMenuBarController
RMPScrollingMenuBarController has a scrollable menu bar, and multiple view controllers.y-hryk/YSLTransitionAnimator
facebook's post-like input text view for iOS (Beerware license)KonsomeJona/OctoMouse
OctoMouse is an open-source application for MAC OSX that measures your mouse and keyboard activities.yaakaito/Overline
Objective-C utilities and shorthands.cocopon/CQMFloatingController
Floating UI component with navigation bar for iPhonesonsongithub/PopupView
PopupView for iOS, like UICalloutView. BSD License.Desgard/DGDownloaderButton
Download Water Animationishkawa/ISRefreshControl
(deprecated) iOS4-compatible UIRefreshControlremirobert/RRMessageController
đąđ RRMessageController is a UIViewController, allows you to write a message with photos as attachment.inamiy/YIFullScreenScroll
Pinterest-like scroll-to-fullscreen UI for iOS5+.yusukeSekikawa/ImageProcessing.framework
Convenient Image Processing framework for iOS and Android(face detection,Edge,Grayscale,and more effects)fjolnir/HTTPKit
A minimal, high-performance Objective-C library to write self-sufficient web applications. Built on top of Mongoose.mkftr/DoorwayTransition
Doorway Transition in CoreAnimation (iOS)keijiro/KlakSyphon
Syphon plugin for Unitydealforest/Tuna
Xcode plugin that provides easy set breakpoint with action.hanks/HHKBAssistant_for_mac
A funny helper tool for HHKB professional keyboard on mac. Its main job is that it can auto detect the HHKB professional keyboard plugged in and out, and do some actions you want.onevcat/VVImageTint
UIImage category for image tint. For my blog post
Accordion is a small library for iOS that implements file navigation using accordions. Accordion aims to be a persistent layer between your TableView and your files on storage.theguildjp/GLDTween
SuperHandy Animation Engineonevcat/VCTransitionDemo
A simple demo indicates how to make a custom view controller transition in iOS 70x0c/LMMediaPlayer
A video and audio player with replaceable UI component.goccy/perl-motion
Perl for iOS and OS Xparakeety/PKYStepper
UIControl with label & stepper combinedDesgard/DGExpandMenuButton
Spring Effect To Show Button Menu.shu223/Stats
In-app memory usage monitoring for iOSshu223/vImageCategory
UIImage category which have vImage wrapper functions and the demo projectyashigani/YSViewer
Image Viewer like Tweetbot 3moaible/MOAspects
AOP Library for iOSDesgard/DGThumbUpButton
KSHMosaicCamera is camera capture application,it can Face recognition and with a mosaic effect.kalleboo/PingMenu
Show the current latency of your connection in your Mac OS X menu barinamiy/YIInnerShadowView
Inner-shadow UIView/CALayer for iOS.1amageek/PaperKit
PaperKit is like Paper app of Facebookhetima/SafariStand
SIMBL plugin for Safarir-plus/AAPullToRefresh
All around pull to refresh library.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us