Code examples for the new functions of iOS 7.
Dynamic Behaviors
Dynamic Behaviours using UIDynamicAnimator, UIGravityBehavior, UICollisionBehavior, UIDynamicItemBehavior.
Speech Synthesis
Synthesized speech from text using AVSpeechSynthesizer and AVSpeechUtterance.
Custom Transition
UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning, UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate.
3D Map
3D Map using MKMapCamera.
Region monitoring demo using iBeacon.
Related Repository: PulsingHalo
240fps Video Recording
SLO-MO video recorder using AVFoundation. It works with 240fps on iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, etc.
See the 120fps Slo-Mo video in Vimeo 120fps.
Related Repository: SlowMotionVideoRecorder
Smile Detection
Smile Detection using CIDetectorSmile and new properties of CIFeature such as "bounds".
Image Filters
New filters of CIFilter.
- CILinearToSRGBToneCurve
- CIPhotoEffectChrome
- CIPhotoEffectFade
- CIPhotoEffectInstant
- CIPhotoEffectMono
- CIPhotoEffectNoir
- CIPhotoEffectProcess
- CIPhotoEffectTonal
- CIPhotoEffectTransfer
- CISRGBToneCurveToLinear
- CIVignetteEffect
Sprite Kit
A sample of Sprite Kit using SKView, SKScene, SKSpriteNode, SKAction.
Map Directions
Requesting and draw directions using MKDirections, MKDirectionsResponse and MKPolylineRenderer.
Motion Effects (Parallax)
Parallax effect using UIMotionEffect.
Multipeer Connectivity
Creating a local network sharing connection over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth LE.
New Activity Types: AirDrop, Post to Flickr / Vimeo, Add to ReadingList
QR Code Reader
Detect QR codes with AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode which is added into AVMetadataObjectTypes.
QR Code Generator
Generating QR Code with CIQRCodeGenerator.
Motion Activity Tracking
Counting steps and monitoring the activity using CMStepCounter and CMMotionActivityManager. It works only on iPhone5s (M7 chip).
Static Map Snapshots
Creating a snapshot with MKMapSnapshotOptions, MKMapSnapshotter.
Safari Reading List
Adding an item to the Safari Reading List with the new Safari Services framework.
New Fonts
Displaying new fonts with their FontNames which are needed for "fontWithName:size:" method of UIFont.
Spring Animation
Performs animations using a timing curve described by the motion of a spring.
Web Pagination
Pagination sample for web pages. It uses new property "paginationMode" of UIWebView.
Special Thanks
Icons and LaunchImages are designed by Okazu
Shuichi Tsutsumi
iOS freelancer in Japan. Welcome works from abroad!