Discover Indonesia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Indonesia.
Free Bootstrap Admin Templatezuramai/mazer
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Pagetegal1337/CiLocks
Crack Interface lockscreen, Metasploit and More Android/IOS Hackinghilmanski/freeStuffDev
list of free stuff for developernauvalazhar/bootstrap-4-login-page
Bootstrap 4 Login Page Templateakivaron/miminium
DISCONTINUED - Miminium Admin Templateemsifa/api-wilayah-indonesia
Generator API (statis) data wilayah Indonesia, hosted by Github Pagezuramai/voler
The first Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard templateagusmakmun/
☕ Free and open-source Jekyll themekodepandai/awesome-gh-cli-extensions
Awesome list of github cli extensions.indrijunanda/RuangAdmin
RuangAdmin - Free Admin Control Panel Themes Based on Bootstrap 4goFrendiAsgard/No-CMS
No-CMS, A CodeIgniter Based CMS Frameworkahmadudin/electron-instaPy-GUI
Graphic user interface for
Login System with CodeIgniter 3 for Web Programming UNPAS YouTube Channelsandhikagalih/belajar-css-grid
Code Repo untuk Playlist CSS GRID di channel youtube WebProgrammingUNPASsandhikagalih/
My Portfolio Websitesandhikagalih/NGOBAR
Code untuk seri NGOding BAReng di Channel YouTube WebProgrammingUNPASemsifa/tailwind-pos
Point of sales application built with tailwind.css and alpine.jsfikrisuheri/laravel-toko-online
Aplikasi Toko Online menggunakan laravel dan di integrasikan denga api raja ongkir untuk penghitungan ongkirnyanursandiid/tutorial-membuat-aplikasi-point-of-sales
Aplikasi Point Of Sales yang dibangun dengan Laravel v8 dan AdminLTE v2.4imrenagi/sipencari
Aku cinta kominfoadeyosemanputra/pygoat
intentionally vuln web Application Security in djangosandhikagalih/portfolio-tailwind-css
Portfolio Sandhika Galih menggunakan Tailwind CSSbuananetpbun/
Script Generator for MikroTik RouterOS - Winbox, Webfig and MikroTik CLI Commandnauvalazhar/bootstrap-5-login-page
Login page template based on Bootstrap 5ibnux/data-indonesia
Data Propinsi, kabupaten, kecamatan dan kelurahan di Indonesia dalam bentuk jsonfajar7xx/ecommerce-template-tailwind-1
ecommerce template using tailwindcss 3 in 2022bellshade/HTML-CSS
Repositori untuk belajar pemrograman web menggunakan HTML dan CSS dalam bahasa Indonesiaonlyphantom/cvessentials
Tutorial Series (60 hour course): Essentials of computer visionmazipan/login-page-css
🔐 An Open Source Template for Login Page From Scratch Without Any CSS Frameworkaribudin/tailmater
Tailmater is an open source Google Material 3 UI Kit based on Tailwind css framework.mhaecal/skilline-landing-page
Free landing page template built on top of Tailwind CSSdaengdoang/daeng-sherly-menikah
Wedding Invitation Landing Page - Pernikahan Sherly & Daengsandhikagalih/kedai-kopi-kenangan-senja
Code untuk website kedai kopi Kenangan Senjaeueung/hugo-casper-two
Port of Casper 2.x to Hugoandre12001/DWAdmin-Template
DWAdmin is a dashboard website made of bootstrap 4 and css and other libraries. This template is very light and suitable for use by companies and other things.malasngoding/aplikasi_penjualan_php_mysql
Aplikasi penjualan sederhana dengan php dan mysqlnovalagung/httpsproxy2http
🚴 Quick HTTPS forward/reverse proxy for your HTTP web servicesandhikagalih/dino-wedding
Code untuk website Undangan Pernikahan Onlineelcobvg/svelte-autocomplete
A lightweight typeahead / autocomplete component made with Svelte.jsbasoro/mlite
SIMRS Ringan dan Modular. Jalan di sisi server sebagai aplikasi web dan bersifat mobile first (responsive).eccosuprastyo/flutter
QuranWeb is a simple and fast mobile web quran based on quran-json project.karnadii/sharp_memory_display_breakout
Sharp memory display breakout for LS011B7DH03elhakimyasya/Webium-Blogger-Theme
Webium is a Blogger Template or Theme that looks very similar to the
Python wrapper for WhatsApp Web API websocket communication (based on
LIST API for needs Whatsapp botibnuh/regex-generator
A web tools to generate regular expressions from set of strings.
Send unique WhatsApp chat to multiple number at once!perogeremmer/blog
Just my Blogelcobvg/svelte-bulma-components
Collection of Bulma UI components to be used in Svelte or standaloneLintangWisesa/MediaPipe-in-JavaScript
A simple demo of MediaPipe's ML solution in pure JavaScriptwisnuvb/tixam
Aplikasi Ujian Berbasis Komputer (Multiple Choice Exam Application)karnadii/marvelous65
65% wireless keyboard powered with nrfmicrosandhikagalih/belajar-webpack-code
Code untuk seri belajar Webpack di youtube WPUdaengwebid/aplikasi-ecommerce-laravel-6
Membuat Aplikasi E-Commerce Menggunakan Laravel 6 - Daeng Webabdulisabdul/arfa
Free Admin Dashboard Template Based On Bootstrap 5tegarpratama/school-website
School website for SMK (Senior High School) and built with Codeigniter 3seagatesoft/webdext
Intelligent Web Data Extractornauvalazhar/Magz
Free Resonsive HTML5 & CSS3 Magazine Templatejavawebmedia/cmslaravel7
Website Company Profile Sederhana Laravel 7bennylin/transliterasijawa
Javanese Transliteration (Nulisa Aksara Jawa)dimasmiftah/links
🎗 A bio link pagedirumahrafif/website-sederhana
Repositori untuk web organisasi bellshadedaengwebid/point-of-sales
Membuat aplikasi Point of SalesHans5958/Domino-English-Translation
🌏 Let's translate Domino, a Japanese MIDI editor!FirmanKurniawan/HTML-Projects
Feel free to create new file, don't hesitate to pull your code, the most important thing is that the file name here must match your nickname so that file does not conflict with other people.adamnurdin01/corenav
coreNavigation is a multi purpose navigation menu for javascript library based on jquery, come with more style and easy to combination.idjs/belajar-nodejs
Pengenalan Node.js dan Contoh Aplikasitegarpratama/online-games-store
Simple e-commerce proejct built with Codeigniter 3kimmyxpow/PowQuran
PowQuran adalah Al-Quran online yang bisa di akses di handphone ataupun laptop dengan mudah, mengaji dan dengarkan ayat-ayat suci dimanapun kamu berada!sandhikagalih/ngobar-9-codeigniter
Code companion for NGOBAR#9 at
Hugoblog is responsive, simple, and clean that would fit for your personal blog based on Hugo Theme Static Site Generator (SSG)awahids/belajar-ngaji
simple website for learning basic Quran from Hijaiyah with audio and animationsrioastamal/gembok
Browser based 2FA token generator alternative to Google Authenticator.gungunfebrianza/Mastering-Javascript
📚 PinterCoding University. Author : Gun Gun Febrianzamuhkanda/Simple-UI-Semantic-UI-Admin
Free Semantic UI (Fomantic-UI) Admin Templateardisaurus/ci-restserver
Codeigniter Restfull server v 4.0.0 by chriskacerguisBosNaufal/javascript-sabuk-putih
Modal Awal Belajar Fundamental Javascript Untuk Mendalami React JS, Vue JS, Angular JS, ataupun Node JSDomathID/live2d-model
live2D widget model collection, l2d-widget, live2d model 👖👕👔👗fajarghifar/happybirthday
🎈Build a birthday page with HTML, CSS, JS.letdummy/hacktober2022-Simple-to-Advance
[EXCLUDE] A repository to contribute at hacktoberfest 2022 | Simple-to-Advance Web Projectsandhikagalih/5-trik-css-untuk-web-designer
Code Companion for "5 trik css untuk web designer" videopveyes/vite-plugin-sloth
Fresh take on static site generation, using HTML-first approach to build website. Powered by ⚡️ Viteherziwp/perpus-laravel
Membangun Aplikasi Inventory Stok Menggunakan Framework Laravel 5.7bendo01/itemplate
bulma css framework admin templateandripwn/PayloadsAll
A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTFferi-irawan/visitor-badge
Visitor Badge for your Web or Github repositoryrevanapriyandi/laravel-inventory
System Management Inventory dengan Framework Laravel 5.8cendekia/nova-setting-tool
Nova Setting Tool is a Laravel Nova package that can change the basic admin panel settings, i.e app title, copyright texts, app version and etc.wafarifki/WebBucin-V2
Web Bucin V2 khusus buat orang tercinta & tersayang.teguhrianto/Responsive-Mikrotik-Template
Responsive Mikrotik Template Base on Bootstrap 4teguhrianto/responsive-mikrotik-template-bootstrap4
Circle Creative Responsive Mikrotik Template Bootstrap 4zuramai/sekul
Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Templatecerc-undip/CTF-Learn-Writeup
Writeup of security — CTFLearn Challenges.wdkana/cuyuniversity-semester-1
daftar materi coding semester 1Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us