Discover Indonesia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Indonesia.
Flutter News App with Developed using the Test Driven Development.davigmacode/flutter_smart_select
SmartSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select or dropdown into dynamic page, popup dialog, or sliding bottom sheet with various choices input such as radio, checkbox, switch, chips, or even custom input. Supports single and multiple choice.ristekoss/ulaskelas-frontend
Front End Repository for Ulas Kelasputraxor/flutter-book-app
A Flutter project of book app UIfirgia/FD-Project-Management
Create responsive dashboard Project Management design using Fluttertriannoviandi/movie-ticketing-app
Movie Ticketing App using Flutterfirgia/FD-Daily-Task
Create responsive dashboard Daily Task design using Flutterrrifafauzikomara/MovieApp
[Flutter SDK V.1] - 🎬 MovieApp is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of modern development tools with best practices implementation like Modularization, BLoC, Dependency Injection, Dynamic Theme, Cache, Shimmer, Testing, Flavor, CI/CD, etc.nacasha/flutter-things-todo
An example Todo App using Flutter with advanced featuresmrezkys/flutter_presence
Flutter Presence App integrated with geolocation (GPS) that can help your company or you as a developer to build a presence app. beauty user interface and have a multi user ( admin and employee ). You can also change the appearance of this application easily or add new features. Using Getx and Firebase.hanmajid/flutter_whatsapp
Whatsapp clone made with Flutterbahrie127/fic_flutter_basic
FIC JagoFlutter: Flutter basic & Widgetryanaidilp/sistem_absensi_pegawai_app
Mobile application for employee attendance data management in Balaesang District government offices. This application is built with Flutter.alfianlosari/flutter_qr_code_scanner_generator_sharing
Flutter App For Scanning, Generating, Sharing QR Coderrifafauzikomara/flutter_modularization
[Flutter SDK V.2] - This repo will introduce you how to mastering your app with implementation Flutter Modularization in several waysmrezkys/marketky
MarketKy is a Free Flutter E-Commerce App Starter Template that can help you develop an E-Commerce / Market application much faster.dimas-ibnu/flutter-ui-boilerplate
Flutter ui boilerplate is easiest way to create new flutter project with clean code and well organized file folder.codestronaut/flutter-weather-app-sample
This repository is a sample app for learning TDD and clean architecture in action!yusriltakeuchi/restofinder
Restofinder adalah sebuah aplikasi sederhana yang menampilkan daftar restoran terdekat dari lokasi kita dengan beberapa spesifik jenis dan menu yang dihidangkan.alann-maulana/flutter_beacon
An hybrid iBeacon scanner and transmitter SDK for Flutter Android and iOS.davigmacode/flutter_chips_choice
Lite version of smart_select package, zero dependencies, an easy way to provide a single or multiple choice chips.oddbit/flutter_facebook_app_events
Flutter Plugin for Facebook App Eventsicemanbsi/searchable_dropdown
gojek 4.0 home clonejulvikramsupandi/flutter-pos-app-ui
Flutter Point Of Sale App UICoderJava/Flutter-CRUD-API-Sample
Flutter Widget that allows "snapping" event to an item at the end of user-scroll.firgia/Flutter_Template
Template for large or scaleable Flutter projectmrezkys/hungry
Hungry is a Free Flutter Recipe App Starter Template that can help you develop a Recipe application much faster.RifkiCS29/headline_news
Headline News Application using API from https://newsapi.orgalfianlosari/CoronaVirusTrackerFlutter
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices App with Flutterbgwastu/librebook
A minimal front-end library genesis client, built with Flutterfadhly-permata/flutter_money_formatter
"FlutterMoneyFormatter" is a Flutter extension to formatting various types of currencies according to the characteristics you like, without having to be tied to any localization.cahyofendhi/Flutter-Cinema
Learn to create flutter app with BLoC Architecturexrb21/flutter-html-editor
Tubles is a simple applications to provide any tubles in in google maps and we as the user can navigate into the selected tubles location.dicodingacademy/a159-flutter-pemula-labs
Flutter package to show and pick country coderizmaulana/flutter-gojek-landingpage
Membangun Landing Page Aplikasi GO-JEK dengan Flutter SDKjabardigitalservice/pikobar-flutter
Pikobar Flutter (Android) app.Muhibush/animal_conserv_by_sinaamiriyam
Animal conservation app from design to Flutter. Designed by @sinaamiriamdicodingacademy/a195-flutter-fundamental-labs
Implementation of Clean Architecture with Bloc Pattern and RX-Dart in Flutterdicodingacademy/a199-flutter-expert-project
Custom calendar dialog widget for flutter with (multi select, single select, date range) modebahrie127/flutter_grocery_app
learning slicing and flutter bloc state managementbahrie127/fic_sharepreferences_example
flutter intensive club shared preferences examplejulvikramsupandi/flutter-otp-verification-ui
Flutter OTP Verification UIkhanifzyen/dart-basics
Materi Dart Basics untuk mata kuliah Pemrograman Mobile Teknik Informatika UNISNU Jepara 2023dihak/flutter-istiqomah
Istiqomah Application - A habit tracker Appmrezkys/readky
Readky is a Free Flutter News App Starter Template that can help you develop a News application much faster.febryardiansyah/manga_mint
An Online Manga Reader Application Bahasa Indonesiayusriltakeuchi/ktpscanner
Flutter project to scan NIK Indonesia using OCR Techology.bahrie127/flutter_cake_shop_ui
A Flutter package to create easy slide animation countdown / countup timer.yusriltakeuchi/cakedetector
Cake Detector adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat mendeteksi sebuah kue dari gambar yang dimasukkan oleh penggunakuldii/chat_apps
Berikut merupakan source code Chat Apps dengan Flutter + GetX + Firebasebahrie127/fic_path_provider_example
fic path provider examplesly13/proflutter
An example Flutter project that uses Riverpod, go_router, flutter_hooks, and Freezed.abdulazizahwan/flutter_money_management_app
This is implementation clean architecture by Uncle Bob. We can implementation this project to make application with many module and component like Dio, RxDart, Bloc and others.putraxor/flutter_multipage_form
Dynamic multi-page form implementation in Flutterbahrie127/fic_flutter_model_rest_api
example create class model json serialization and rest api connectionadryanev/flutter-mobile-clean-architecture-template
Flutter Mobile Clean Achitecture Templatekodingworks/flutter-works-boilerplate
A Boilerplate Project which adopts the concept of Clean Architecture and Modularization.julvikramsupandi/flutter-ui-web-login
Web Login UI with Flutter 2.0bahrie127/flutter_integration_api_dio_fic
event flutter intensive club (FIC) integration api with dio packages and riverpod state managementtorchice/Dypos
Point Of Sales Application using Flutter Firebaseblackmenthor/flutter_project_boilerplate
Movie App Flutter using Flutter BLoC, DIO, Retrofit, Sqfliteperymerdeka/mastering-dart
Repo for Teach Yourself mastering dart programming languagealfianlosari/flutter_placez
Display & Search your nearby places. This app uses Flutter 1.0 PlatformView to display Google Map as a Flutter Widget in iOS & Android devicerodion-m/dio_smart_retry
Flexible retry library for Dio. A next generation of an abandoned dio_retry package.abdulazizahwan/flutter_travelkuy_app
[Flutter SDK V.1] - Flutter application using base architecture component like BLoC pattern, RxDart, Http, SQFlite, Flavor, Unit Testing (Mockito), Instrumentation Testing and etc 🔥Adithya-13/Flutask
Task Management App with Moor Database and Flutter Bloc Pattern and State Managementfarhanfadila1717/Tokopedia-UI-Clone-With-Flutter
Hi I make tokopedia clone with Flutter. Hi really exited make this app clone, because i trying many animate in this project. Contact me if you need Flutter Developer :)hifiaz/covid19
A platform for car sharing where users can book any car that suits their needs and wants for their intended journey, from the closest hosts in the community.alann-maulana/flutter_hud
A clean and lightweight progress HUD to show a running asynchronous task for Flutter.bahrie127/flutter_tasklist_app
for free event json & rest api implemention code with bahriekaputra07/gatrabali-app
BaliFeed (formerly Gatra Bali) - News reader app built using Flutterfirgia/FD-Music
Create responsive music design using Flutterbellshade/Dart
Repositori untuk belajar pemrograman Dart dalam bahasa IndonesiaCoderJava/Flutter-UI-Challenge-Music-Player
Flutter UI Challenge: Music Playerbahrie127/fic_basic_flutter_bloc_stream_controller
Create mobile file manager design using Flutteralfianlosari/FlutterShoppingPayment
Flutter Shopping App with Midtrans as payment gatewaymasfranzhuo/flutter_crud_with_bloc_library
This is a Flutter CRUD example with flutter bloc libraryjulvikramsupandi/flutter-ui-wallet-cryptocurrency
Flutter UI Wallet Cryptocurrencyradensaleh/FoodHub-App
🍕 FoodHub App is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of modern development tools with best practices implementation like Provider, Sqlite, Testing, Flash Dialog, Notification, Alarm Schedule, Dark Mode Theme, etc.rrifafauzikomara/youtube_video
[Flutter SDK V.2] - Youtube Video is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation like Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dependency Injection, BLoC, etc.bahrie127/flutter_riverpod_darkmode_localization
flutter riverpod with case dark mode and change languagerakafajars/my_alquran
Flutter App that uses Apple Music API to display catalog of musicsalkuadrat/fstates
Infinite List Examples with Various State Managements in Flutterdicodingacademy/a195-flutter-fundamental-project
A Flutter widget to set time with spinner instead of material time pickerhifiaz/youtube-devindo
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