Discover France's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of France.
Low-Rank and Sparse Tools for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videosmerwan/ml-class
Machine learning programming exercisesgpeyre/matlab-toolboxes
Contains all my Matlab toolboxes.mpariente/pystoi
Python implementation of the Short Term Objective Intelligibility measurebalcilar/DenseDepthMap
Create Dense Depth Map Image for Known Poisitioned Camera from Lidar Point Cloudmbrossar/FUSION2018
Matlab code used for the paper " Invariant Kalman Filtering for Visual Inertial SLAM"MBB-team/VBA-toolbox
The VBA toolboxgpeyre/2015-SIGGRAPH-convolutional-ot
J. Solomon, F. de Goes, G. Peyré, M. Cuturi, A. Butscher, A. Nguyen, T. Du, L. Guibas. Convolutional Wasserstein Distances: Efficient Optimal Transportation on Geometric Domains. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2015), 34(4), pp. 66:1–66:11, 2015andrewssobral/mctc4bmi
Matrix and Tensor Completion for Background Model Initializationbalcilar/Multi-Robot-Path-Planning-on-Graphs
Multi-Robot Path Planning on Graphs Solution by A* algorithmjohnyf/openstreetmap
Interface to OpenStreetMap (load maps, extract road connectivity, plot road network & find shortest path)balcilar/DRLSE-Image-Segmentation
Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentationcarlosluis/multiagent_planning
Implementation of several multiagent trajectory generation algorithmsglemaitre/BM3D
Clone from
MATLAB Tensor Toolsbrian-lau/MatlabStan
Matlab interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inferenceyqueau/shape_from_shading
Matlab codes for shape from shadingvrabaud/sfm_toolbox
Matlab Implementation of a 3D Reconstruction algorithmgpeyre/2016-ICML-gromov-wasserstein
Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, Justin Solomon, Gromov-Wasserstein Averaging of Kernel and Distance Matrices, Proc. of ICML 2016.johnyf/fig2u3d
Export MATLAB figure as U3D file or directly to 3D interactive PDFNodulaire/SCA-DPA
Side channel attack (SCA) of AES with Differential Power Analysis (DPA)yqueau/normal_integration
Matlab codes for integrating the normal (gradient) field of a surface over a 2D gridbalcilar/Comparison-of-Disparity-Estimation-Algorithms
Implementation of simple block matching, block matching with dynamic programming and Stereo Matching using Belief Propagation algorithm for stereo disparity estimationbalcilar/Calibration-Under_Different-Resolution
Stereo Camera Calibration Under Different Resolutioneric-guerin/terrain-amplification
Terrain amplification as described in [Sparse representation of terrains for procedural modeling, Guérin et al. 2016]gcheron/P-CNN
P-CNN: Pose-based CNN Features for Action Recognitionrflamary/nonconvex-optimization
Matlab/Octave toolbox for nonconvex optimizationtinevez/matlab-tree
A MATLAB class to represent the tree data structure.olivierlar/miningsuite
Comprehensive Matlab framework for signal, audio and music analysis, articulating audio and symbolic approachesyqueau/near_ps
Code for solving photometric stereo under calibrated or semi-calibrated near point light source illumination (e.g., LEDs).anmuller/CusToM
Dynamixel alternative firmwareIhabMohamed/ANN-MPC
A Feed-Forward ANN based on MPC for a Three-Phase Inverter With an Output LC Filterbalcilar/RobotPathPlanning
Sampling-based Mobile Robot Path Planning Algorithm by Dijkstra, Astar and Dynamic Programming on Undirected Graphbachhavpramod/bandwidth_extension
A complete toolbox for spectral unmixing with spectral variabilityabdulkarimgizzini/Enhancing_Least_Square_Channel_Estimation_Using_Deep_Learning
This repository includes the source code of the LS-DNN based channel estimators proposed in "Enhancing Least Square Channel Estimation Using Deep Learning" paper that is published in the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring) virtual conference.IhabMohamed/MPC-3-Phase-Inverters
Simulations of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for Three-Phase Inverter with Output LC Filternifm-gin/MP3
🔀 Medical software for Processing multi-Parametric images Pipelinesdfourer/ASTRES_toolbox
The ASTRES Toolbox for Mode Extraction of Non-Stationary Multicomponent Signalsjeljaik/extended-kalman-filter
Matlab and C++ code for implementation of the Extended Kalman Filter for estimating dynamic quantities for a single rigid body with distributed force/torque measurements and distributed gyroscopes and accelerometers measurements.It also include estimation of the orientation under the quaternion representation.tyrex-team/benchmarks-attitude-smartphones
Benchmark on Attitude Estimation with Smartphones (datasets & scripts)tinevez/msdanalyzer
A MATLAB class for Mean Square Displacement analysis.andrewssobral/tensor_toolbox
MATLAB Tensor Toolbox (by Tamara Kolda)apennisi/fast_face_detector
A face detector based on the work "Aggregate channel features for multi-view face detection" presented by Bin Yang, Junjie Yan, Zhen Lei and Stan Z. Li.nducros/SPIRIT
This repository contains Matlab scripts and functions for single-pixel imagingsduprey/optimal_transaction_execution
This entry contains two topics The first item is entirely based on the following paper: It contains 2 MATLAB demonstrating script : DATA_preprocessing.m & VAR_modeling_script.m DATA_preprocessing.m uses the LOBSTER framework ( to preprocess high frequency data from the NASDAQ Total View ITCH (csv files) allowing us to reconstruct exactly at each time the order book up to ten depths. Just look at the published script ! VAR_modeling_script.m contains the modeling of the whole order book as VEC/VAR process. It uses the great VAR/VEC Joahnsen cointegration framework. After calibrating your VAR model, you then assess the impact of an order using shock scenario (sensitivity analysis) to the VAR process. We deal with 3 scenarii : normal limit order, aggressive limit order & normal market order). Play section by section the script (to open up figures which contain a lot of graphs). It contains a power point to help you present this complex topic. The second item is entirely based on the following paper : It contains a mupad document : I did struggle to get something nice with the symbolic toolbox. I was not able to drive a continuous workflow and had to recode some equations myself. I nevertheless managed to get a closed form solution for the simplified linear cost model. It contains a MATLAB demonstrating script : working_script.m For more sophisticated cost model, there is no more closed form and we there highlighted MATLAB numerical optimization abilities (fmincon). It contains an Optimization Apps you can install. Just launch the optimization with the default parameters. And then switch the slider between volatility risk and liquidation costs to see the trading strategies evolve on the efficient frontier. It contains a power point to help you present this complex topic.andrewssobral/imtsl
IMTSL - Incremental and Multi-feature Tensor Subspace LearningIPGP/deformation-lib
Analytical deformation models mostly written in Matlab/Octavejeremylhour/pensynth
A Penalized Synthetic Control Estimator for Disaggregated Data (JASA, 2021)zebrain-lab/Toolbox-Romano-et-al
Computational toolbox for analysis of calcium imaging data of neuronal populationsabdulkarimgizzini/Deep-Learning-Based-Channel-Estimation-Schemes-for-IEEE-802.11p-Standard
This repository includes the source code of the STA-DNN and TRFI DNN channel estimators proposed in "Deep Learning Based Channel Estimation Schemes for IEEE 802.11 p Standard" and "Joint TRFI and Deep Learning for Vehicular Channel Estimation" papers that are published in the IEEE Access journal and the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops, respectively.phamduonghung/FSSTn
High-Order Synchrosqueezing Transform for Multicomponent Signals Analysisbalcilar/Graph_Signal_Processing
Signal Processing on non-euclidien domain signalsricardoborsoi/Unmixing_with_Deep_Generative_Models
Spectral unmixing using deep generative modelsbalcilar/Color-Image-Segmentation-Using-Region-Growing-and-Region-Merging
Unsupervised color image segmentation using Region Growing and Region Mergingsellali360/LPV
This algorithm exhibits a robust Energy Management Strategy (EMS) for battery-super capacitor (SC) Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS). The proposed algorithm, dedicated to an electric vehicular application, it is based on a self-gain scheduled controller, which guarantees the H performance for a class of linear parameter varying (LPV) systems.samerlahoud/wireless-simulator-ua-pc
Wireless Cellular Simulator for Radio Resource Managementandrewssobral/ostd
Online Stochastic Tensor Decomposition for Background Subtraction in Multispectral Video Sequencesraphaelvallat/conn_tools
Some tools for the extraction and plot of second-level ROI-to-ROI results from CONN Toolboxgonzafernan/self-balancing-lqg
Self-balancing robot analysis and LQG optimal controller design with MATLAB Simulink and Simscape Multibodybalcilar/Anfis-from-scratch
Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system from scratch. All codes inside, no dependencybalcilar/Stereo-Camera-Calibration-Orthogonal-Planes
Mono and Stereo Camera Calibration with 3 Orthogonal checkerboardsIPGP/splitlab
Matlab GUI to perform SKS splitting measurementsJuSquare/AntBot
This github gathers everything needed to reproduce AntBot, the hexapod robot I developped during my PhD.DorianDepriester/MTEX2Gmsh
Matlab toolbox for generating 2D meshes from EBSD datamid2SUPAERO/EMTO
Efficient Multiscale Topology Optimizationgpeyre/2014-JMIV-SlicedTransport
N. Bonneel, J. Rabin, G. Peyré, H. Pfister. Sliced and Radon Wasserstein Barycenters of Measures. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 51(1), pp. 22–45, 2015.jhonygiraldo/GraphMOS
Repository of the paper "Graph Moving Object Segmentation" published in IEEE T-PAMIComplexNetTSP/IEEE802_15_4_Matlab
Matlab Code of the implementation of IEEE 802.15.4 Mac/Phy LayerIPGP/mapping-lib
Mapping functions (DEM read/write, SRTM tiles download, high-quality maps, coordinates convert, ...) mostly in Matlab/Octave.AntoineAugusti/bagging-boosting-random-forests
Bagging, boosting and random forests in Matlabbrian-lau/MatlabProcessManager
Matlab class for launching and managing asynchronous processesTRAN-Gia-Quoc-Bao/Project-Comfort-Vehicle-Control
My work during the research project "Comfort-oriented adaptive cruise control of an autonomous vehicle" at GIPSA-lab, Jan.-Jun. 2020, later extended into LPV control of a semi-active suspension systemoscimp/amaranth_twstft
Software Defined Radio implementation of a Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer signalahcen23/NOMA
Non Orthogonal Multiple Accessabdulkarimgizzini/CNN-Aided-Weighted-Interpolation-for-Channel-Estimation-in-Vehicular-Communications
This repository includes the source code of the CNN-based channel estimators proposed in "CNN Aided Weighted Interpolation for Channel Estimation in Vehicular Communications" paper [1] that is published in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021.IPGP/mseed-lib
Matlab/Octave codes to read and write miniSEED filespjlapray/Polarimetric_Spectral_Database
A database of polarimetric and multispectral images in the visible and NIR regionsandrewssobral/TDALAB
A MATLAB Toolbox for High-order Tensor Data Decompositions and AnalysisLight-in-complex-nanostructures/RETOP
RETOP is an free Matlab toobox that implements a near-to-far-field transformation for computing the radiation diagram. This transformation is implemented in many electromagnetic software, however for most of them, like COMSOL multiphysics, the transformation is restricted to object surrounded by uniform media (free space). RETOP operates for objects on substrates or buried in stratified media. It can be used to compute the radiation diagram in the superstrate and the substrate . The substrate may support guided modes or surface plasmon modes with metal layers. RETOP additionally computes the in-plane radiation diagram in the guided modes. It just needs the near-field (computed on a rectangular box that contains the object with any full-wave Maxwell’s solver) to compute the radiation diagrams. It is especially relevant for calculating the scattering of nanoparticle on substrates. Special attention is made to the interface with COMSOL Multiphysics.sunits/EnvironmentalSoundClassification
Here, an algorithm to classify environmental sounds with the aim of providing contextual information to devices such as hearing aids for optimum performance is proposed. We use signal sub-band energy to construct signal-dependent dictionary and matching pursuit algorithms to obtain a sparse representation of a signal. The coefficients of the sparse vector are used as weights to compute weighted features. These features, along with mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), are used as feature vectors for classification. Experimental results show that the proposed method gives an accuracy as high as 95.6 %, while classifying 14 categories of environmental sound using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). For more details, please refer to [1].yassinekebbati/Optimized_adaptive_MPC
Optimized adaptive MPC for lateral control for autonomous vehiclesbalcilar/TimeTabling-GeneticAlgorithm
A genetic Algorithm Solution for Weekly Course Timetabling Problemmurtiad/M_HERACLES
HERitAge by point CLoud procESsing for MatlabDavidMercier/NIMS
A Matlab toolbox to plot and to analyze nanoindentation data (with conical indenters)bootphon/features_extraction
audio cfeatures extraction tool from wav to h5features formatvuanhtuan1012/determining-optical-flow
Determining optical flow by using Horn-Schunck method and Lucas-Kanade methodabdulkarimgizzini/Temporal-Averaging-LSTM-based-Channel-Estimation-Scheme-for-IEEE-802.11p-Standard
This repository includes the source code of the LSTM-based channel estimators proposed in "Temporal Averaging LSTM-based Channel Estimation Scheme for IEEE 802.11 p Standard" paper that is published in the proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2022 conference that was held in Madrid (Spain).operrotin/GFM-IAIF
Glottal Flow Model-based Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filteringtinevez/simpletracker
A simple particle tracking algorithm for MATLAB that can deal with gaps.phamduonghung/WSST2
Second-order Synchrosqueezing Transform: The Wavelet Case and Comparisonsmsantolini/dynamo
DYNamics Agnostic Network MOdelschristophe-gouel/RECS
A solver for nonlinear, dynamic, stochastic, rational expectations equilibrium modelsbrain-network/bnt
Brain Network Toolboxpaulzaetta/Wind_Generation_Forecast
Very short-term analysis of wind power generation in a probabilistic forecasting framework with MATLAB (Master Thesis 2018)robinroche/modellib
Library of models for microgrid applications: renewables, storage, etc.PierreBlanchard/fmr-enkf
Ensemble Kalman Filters (EnKFs) powered by the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) and Randomized Low-Rank Approximations (RandLRA)eric-tramel/CSQuantization
Research code repository for ongoing development of methods connecting quantization and compressed sensing.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us