Discover Brazil's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Brazil.
Android Package Inspector - dynamic analysis with api hooks, start unexported activities and more. (Xposed Module)adrielcafe/AndroidAudioRecorder
A fancy audio recorder lib for Android. Supports WAV format at 48kHz.jrvansuita/MaterialAbout
🔖 It's a material-design about screen to use on your Android apps. A developer profile and application information easy to integrate.LeonardoZ/java-concurrency-patterns
Concurrency Patterns and features found in Java, through multithreaded programming. Threads, Locks, Atomics and more.cami-la/loops-e-arrays
Repositório do curso Estruturas de Repetição e Arrays com Java. Curso este oferecido pela Digital Innovation one e ministrado por mim.adrielcafe/AndroidAudioConverter
Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. Supported formats: AAC, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV and FLAC.zirouan/NavigationDrawer-MaterialDesign
Library Navigation drawer material designcami-la/debugging-java
Curso que apresenta conceitos introdutórios sobre como podemos trabalhar com debugging na linguagem Java.tiagohm/MarkdownView
Android library to display markdown text.ronancpl/HeavenMS
An improved server based on MapleSolaxia (v83 MapleStory private server)diegodobelo/AndroidExpandingViewLibrary
This is a library to help creating expanding views with animation in AndroidmCodex/react-native-sensitive-info
Save sensitive data into Android's Shared Preferences with keystore encryption/iOS's Keychain for React Nativecami-la/collections-java-api-2023
Este repositório é referente ao curso "Collection Framework API Java" e é uma valiosa contribuição para a comunidade de desenvolvedores Java, fornecendo exemplos práticos e recursos educacionais relacionados à poderosa API de coleções da linguagem Java.sepinf-inc/IPED
IPED Digital Forensic Tool. It is an open source software that can be used to process and analyze digital evidence, often seized at crime scenes by law enforcement or in a corporate investigation by private examiners.cami-la/desafio-poo-dio
Code sharing between iOS, Android & Web using monorepopaulorievrs/java4noobs
Repositório para auxiliar e introduzir iniciantes no Javahalysongoncalves/Pugnotification
A powerful library for creating notifications in android platform.douglasjunior/android-simple-tooltip
A simple library based on PopupWindow to create Tooltips on Android. 💚titansgroup/k4l-video-trimmer
A library with UI and mechanisms to trim local videos on Android
Android Xposed Module to bypass SSL certificate validation (Certificate Pinning).mageddo/dns-proxy-server
Solve your DNS hosts from your docker containers, then from your local configuration, then from internettiagorlampert/sAINT
👁️ (s)AINT is a Spyware Generator for Windows systems written in Java. [Discontinued]UNIVALI-LITE/Portugol-Studio
Ambiente de Programação didático para a linguagem Portugol 2.0cami-la/exceptions-java
Curso Tratamento de Exceções em Javawmixvideo/nfe
Nota Fiscal Eletrônica em Java.caelum/caelum-stella
O Caelum Stella visa suprir as necessidades do dia a dia do desenvolvedor brasileiroAleBarreto/DragRecyclerView
Drag and Drop with RecyclerViewKamilahsantos/Java-week-LinuxTips
Repositório com o conteúdo da Java Week da LinuxTipsrafaelsetragni/awesome_notifications
A complete solution to create Local Notifications and Push Notifications, throught Firebase or another services, using Flutter.cami-la/curso-dio-intro-collections
Resolução dos exercícios propostos: CURSO INTRODUTÓRIO COLLECTIONS FRAMEWORK JAVA.AleBarreto/FirebaseAndroidChat
Chat with features : Login with Google | Send Photo Camera | Send Photo Gallery | Send LocationSamuel-Oliveira/Java_NFe
Projeto Open Source Java - NFe, NFceShin-NiL/Godot-Android-Admob-Plugin
Android AdMob plugin for Godot Game Engine 3.2 or higherjrvansuita/GaussianBlur
🎩 An easy and fast library to apply gaussian blur filter on any images.brunocleite/spring-boot-exception-handling
Final source code accompanying the article on the Toptal Blog.ebanx/swipe-button
A button that activates by swipe instead of touchjoaomatosf/JavaDeserH2HC
Sample codes written for the Hackers to Hackers Conference magazine 2017 (H2HC).jrvansuita/PickImage
📸 🖼️ Shows a DialogFragment with camera and gallery options. User can choose which provider wants to pick images from.Pleiterson/desafios-bootcamps-dio
Desafios em C#, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python e Ruby dos Bootcamps da Digital Innovation Onegleidsonmt/DashboardFx
JavaFx Dashboardedufolly/flutter_mobile_vision
Flutter implementation of Google Mobile Vision.six2six/fixture-factory
Generator fake objects from a templateacenelio/curso-algoritmos
React Native Android module to use Android's Intent actions for send text to shareable apps or make phone calls or opening third party appscloudsimplus/cloudsimplus
State-of-the-art Framework 🏗 for Cloud Computing ⛅️ Simulation: a modern, full-featured, easier-to-use, highly extensible 🧩, faster 🚀 and more accurate ☕️ Java 17+ tool for cloud computing research 🎓. Examples:
The Login Basics is an implementation of Android Login with Facebook, Google Plus (G+) and your own app login.caelum/vraptor
Simple Java Web MVC Frameworkdiegocarloslima/FloatingGroupExpandableListView
An open source Android library that provides a floating group view at the top of the ExpandableListViewjrdutra/estruturaDeDadosJavaDio
This repository should serve as a guide to everybody who wants to study software and hardware for embedded systems but doesn't know where to start.andreyvital/react-native-android-sms-listener
Allows you to listen for incoming SMS messages using React Nativelucasferreira/react-native-webview-android
Simple React Native Android module to use Android's WebView inside your appacenelio/springboot2-ionic-backend
A web MVC action-based framework, on top of CDI, for fast and maintainable Java development.Ilhasoft/data-binding-validator
Android fields validation library based on data binding adapters.caelum/mamute
Q&A Enginerodgomesc/vision-camera-code-scanner
VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin to read barcodes using MLKit Vision QrCode Scanningicei-pucminas/aeds2
Repositório de códigos da disciplina de Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados IIeduardo-mior/URI-Online-Judge-Solutions
Repositório de soluções de exercícios do URI Online Judge.joaopedronardari/OpenCV-AndroidSamples
OpenCv samples for Android from OpenCV SDK using Android Studio and Gradle Systemhereismari/mnist-android-tensorflow
Handwritten digits classification from MNIST with TensorFlow on Android; Featuring Tutorial!diegocarloslima/ByakuGallery
An open source Android library that allows the visualization of large images with gesture capabilitiesalgaworks/curso-especialista-spring-rest
Projeto do curso Especialista Spring REST da AlgaWorksdevsuperior/dslist-backend
Java RESTful API criada para a Santander Dev Weekjhonnymertz/java-wkhtmltopdf-wrapper
A Java wrapper for wkhtmltopdfDiegoCatalano/Catalano-Framework
Exploring Java 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23shyoutarou/desafios-DIO
Desafios em C#, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python e Ruby dos Bootcamps da Digital Innovation Oneacenelio/ms-course
[Forge] A lightweight farming expansion for Minecraft.thebylito/react-native-navigation-bar-color
React Native component to change bottom bar/navigation bar color on AndroidBruno-Furtado/react-native-sms-retriever
Android SMS Retriever API for React Native.baumblatt/capacitor-firebase-auth
Capacitor Firebase Authentication Pluginhe4rt/he4rtoberfest-2022
Repo oficial do He4rtoberfest da He4rt Developers 2022mariazevedo88/travels-java-api
An API for travel management. It is built with Java, Spring Boot, and Spring Framework. A toy-project to serve as a theoretical basis for the Medium series of articles I wrote about Java+Spring.guto-alves/loterias-api
API de Resultados das Loterias CAIXAcami-la/url-shortener-preview
Esta é uma API para encurtar URLs e redirecionar para a URL original.bloderxd/MagicButton
Projeto de LAB: Conhendo o projeto Spring data JPA com Java na práticaanastaciocintra/escpos-coffee
Java library for ESC/POS printerhbelmiro/100DaysOfJava
Small pieces of Java content on my social media every day for a hundred days. Learn with short code snippets.douglasjunior/AndroidBluetoothLibrary
A Library for easy implementation of Serial Bluetooth Classic and Low Energy on Android. 💙douglasjunior/react-native-get-location
⚛ Simple to use React Native library to get native device location for Android and iOS.wellingtoncosta/convalida
A simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.algaworks/curso-angular-rest-spring-boot-api
CodeSignal solutionsarthurgregorio/web-budget
Sistema web para controle financeiro pessoal ou de pequenas empresasmayconbordin/streaminer
A collection of algorithms for mining data streamstinmegali/simple-mvp
Framework canônico para aplicação do padrão Model View Presenter no AndroidThroyer/springboot-api-rest-example
Spring Boot API RESTful with tests, swagger e JWT 🚀lazaronixon/react-native-turbolinks
React Native adapter for building hybrid apps with Turbolinks 5victorperin/Exercicios-Java
64 exercícios feitos em Javagpedro/slack-webhook
Slack WebHook Integration for JavaPierry/SimpleToast
Notifications for Android (like a Toast)safetysystemtechnology/android-shake-detector
Detect shaking of the devicerafaeltoledo/unified-code-coverage-android
Mixing the coverage data from both Instrumented and Unit testsMichelliBrito/ms-email
Microservice para envio de email utilizando Spring Email e o servidor SMTP do Gmail.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us