Discover Brazil's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Brazil.
Markup as CoffeeScript.lucasmotta/dploy
⛔️ currently unmaintained ⛔️mauricemach/zappa
Node development for the lazy.tarruda/vm.js
Javascript bytecode compiler and VM implemented in pure coffeescriptalanhoff/node-pagseguro
Integração ao Pagseguro para sistemas usando o Node.jsdanxexe/sms-counter
Character counter for SMS messages.fcoury/atom-rspec
Atom RSpec runner packagemkxml/scroll-proxy
📜 Easy scroll handling. Zero dependencies. ~2kb gzipped.viamarte/modernweb
A widget that encourages users to improve their web experience by updating their browsers to a HTML5/CSS3 capable.mconf/api-mate
A tool to access the API of BigBlueButton and MconfBrunoRB/
Classic algorithms and data structures in coffeescript. Making the World a better place, with coffee.Nyvra/titanium-appcelerator-fields-mask
ViaCEP AngularJS directive and servicegeorgebrindeiro/scroll-sync
Atom editor package: Synchronize scrolling of two editor panes by content.drawveloper/remote
Remote is a simple tool to work in local files while consuming an API from a remote server. An easy reverse proxy in Node, if you will.victor-torres/atom-hg
Mercurial support for Atom text editor. Works on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.giggio/atelies
This is the repository for the Atelies website. It is written in NodeJs. It is now retired.Phenome/generator-lean-mean
Yeoman generator. MEAN stack. Coffeescript, Stylus, Jade, Gulpgmendonca/px-to-rem
Atom package to convert pixels to remfiatjaf/reactive-couch
A design document template for React-based CouchApps that render HTML on list/show functions and update them on the clientAzakur4/autocomplete-php
Autocomplete provider for PHP - Atomkikobr/ProtoSparker
A framework to automatically bootstrap Framer.js prototypes.lucasmazza/copy-as-rtf
A package to export highlighted code as RTFmconf/bigbluebutton-api-js
A very simple Javascript library that generates links to all methods in BigBlueButton's APItarruda/node-flask-router
Flask-inspired routing system for node.js/connectgovbr/barra.govbr
Barra dinâmica do governo brasileiro - migrada para
Instantly creates Loading placeholder based on your layer style.jefkoslowski/gitignore-snippets
Atom snippets for .gitignore templates from GitHub (
Python virtualenv support for Atomdrawveloper/fotolog-backup
A utility to download all photos from service for a given userVizir/rehab
Rehab helps you deal with your coffee(script) dependency - CoffeeScript join ordermarcelinhov2/angular-kickoff
AngularJS + CoffeeScript + Ng-Classify = s2giggio/mocha-retry
DEPRECATED. Use Mocha's buildint retry.augustohp/Priority-Queue-NodeJS
Simple priority Queue implementation for NodeJS (Javascript)felipefialho/Website
[DEPRECATED] A new version is managed hereheyvito/express-prefixr
Node + Express Prefixr alternativegrifo/grifo-boilerplate
Grifo Boilerplatedcrec1/github-user-events
A better interface to view GitHub's users's public activityniltonheck/language-freemarker
Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to Freemarker files in Atom.djalmaaraujo/html5-notifications
A small lib for html5 notifications and check. Just call and it's donepaulodiovani/planning-poker-slack
A Slack App to help using planning poker for SCRUM projectsawvalenti/fugaescorregadia
Jogo de labirinto rodando no navegador / Labyrinth game running on the browserkawamanza/jquery-reticence
An elegant way to reticence text to fit the container areatarruda/node-sqli
Common interface for accessing SQL databases from node.jsrev087/fancy-new-file
Create or open files and directories in Github's Atom by typing a relative path.tarruda/grunt-coffee-build
Compiles Coffeescript files, optionally merging and generating source mapsdrawveloper/connect-tryfiles
nginx try_files style connect middleware: serve local file if exists or proxy to addressalefragnani/atom-useful-context-menu
A set of useful context menu actions for Atomhugodias/EloRating-JavaScript
Elo Rating build in CoffeeScript and compiled in JavaScriptldseinhardt/moodle-dashboard
Dashboard de Analítica de Aprendizagem para dados de logs do Moodlerosenfeld/oojspec
Object-oriented client-side (JavaScript or CoffeeScript) testingwuzi/language-pawn
SA-MP Pawn syntax support for atomandreyvital/organize-imports
Atom plugin to automatically organize JS imports!fiatjaf/refbot
GitHub Issues-style backreferences for your Trello cards.GrayJack/language-janet
Atom plugin for Janet langfiatjaf/react-microspreadsheet
the embeddable sheet powering
Package to Atom Editor to improve Django developmentchiefGui/atom-elm-snippets
Elm snippets for Atom 😘psteiger/animate-on-scroll
JQuery plugin for animating objects as they enter or leave the screen.vinicarlos56/php-composer-autocompletion
autocomplete+ provider for php projects based on composer.leonardosantos/hmwtc
WebSocket Tunnel Client for the heroku-minecraftCESARBR/knot-cloud-source
KNoT Cloud (Legacy - please use CESARBR/knot-cloud)lfreneda/katy-query
KatyQuery 🎤 is a node sql query builder for PostgreSQLheycheff/slack-daily
Our Scrum masterpaulodiovani/foaas-client
A Node/command line client for foaas.comreu/vector.js
That basic vector class for physics simulation you create for all your projects =]rsalesc/task-queue
Task queue for nodejsDiogoAndre/language-junos
Junos configuration files support in Atomdflourusso/ng-gmaps-waypoints
AngularJs Plugin Google Maps with multiple points in routeskrolow/d-teamwork
A Javascript/Coffescript/Node.js DSL lib to interact with teamwork APIprinciweb/heisenberg
Node.js + Express + AngularJS + SQL Server appviamarte/sapphire
Node.JS module to execute Stored Procedures on Microsoft SQL Server databases. Designed to provide a fast, easy, non blocking and secure interface from Node.JS to the SQL Server.lagden/newton
Newton - Isotope Layoutschivei/ol-source-gmaps-tms
Google Maps Tiles for OpenLayers 3Phenome/nw-angular-updater
Node Webkit Angular Updater Serviceraphaelpereira/Backbone.RailsStore
Backbone extensions to provide complete Rails interaction on CoffeeScript/Javascript, providing a remote search mechanism, keeping single reference models in memory, reporting refresh conflicts and consistently persisting models and there relations.ricardoemerson/yaml-path-copy
Copy a full path of parent yaml key, from selected line.dlanileonardo/atom-azk-manager
Awesome Azk Manager for Atomjesse1983/angular-image-color-replacement
A simple Angular JS Directive for Color Replacementpaliari/js-network-monitor
Monitor internet connection with javascriptthiagoarrais/imagenie
Simple web app for RESTful image hostingwilkerlucio/scripted_css
Make your CSS's more powerful than ever!AndersonFirmino/Coffee-Cake
Cakefile like a bossdflourusso/ng-tiddle
Angularjs App Client to Tiddle GEMsteinerkelvin/discord-quoter-bot
Selfbot for quoting/replying other Discord users.paulohecht/api-proxy
A tweakable proxy to help with api testingrodrigok/meteor-matches
Lambda functions and functional programming for javascriptpaulodeleo/pill_alarm
Pill alarm for elderstarruda/node-phantomjs-wrapper
Simple wrapper to control remote phantomjs instances using a simple APIandersondanilo/personalfinance
Contas a Pagar e Receber voltadas para o uso pessoalgrifo/florinda
Chatbot for gtalk partychat (
This package intends to simplify the integration with a Meteor app and the Iugu payment APIdaronco/meteor-client-whiteboard
☕️ Promises/A+ implemented in readable CoffeeScriptBrOrlandi/StreamPanel
Stream Instagram photos and tweets tagged in real time.thiagolucio/toolbar-iconshortcuts
A more complete option of shortcut icons to the toolbar of the ATOM Editor. It must have installed a toolbar extension of ATOMcelso-wo/megaman
A jQuery plugin for synchronizing vertical scroll of several elements.fernandocarletti/chrome-dicionario
Extensão para o google chrome, um dicionário da língua portuguesa.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us