Tools to use a collection of notebooks as 'chapters'
JupyterHub extension for ContainDS Dashboards
Store,Version and Run jupyter notebook via ReST api
A simple helper library with 2 NBConvert exporters for PDF/HTML export with no code cells
Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
Render Jupyter notebook in the terminal
Search your Jupyter notebook files (.ipynb) from bash.
Convert Jupyter Notebook to web app and share with non-technical users
Create delightful software with Jupyter Notebooks
A tool that supports one-button reproducible workflows with the Jupyter Notebook and Scons.
Jupyter Notebook Utility
Markdown <=> IPython Notebook
📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks
The fastest ⚡️ way to build data pipelines. Develop iteratively, deploy anywhere. ☁️
RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension