This project is obsolete is no longer developed, maintained or serviced!
Ada Binding for the libsecret library
A project to implement the Ascon AEAD algorithm in Ada 2012 / SPARK 2014
The BLAKE2s hash function for SPARK83 [Ada (1987)]
SHA-3 and other Keccak related algorithms in SPARK/Ada.
libsodium for Ada - A secure cryptographic library
A cryptographic library in SPARK 2014
A pure Ada implementation of the SipHash PRF (mirror repository).
SPARK 2014 re-implementation of the TweetNaCl crypto library
An Ada 2012 / SPARK 2014 project that implements the NORX authenticated encryption algorithm
An Ada 2012 / SPARK 2014 project that implements the SipHash keyed hash function.
SPARK TOTP library
xxhash in ada