PyQt/PySide (Python cross-platform GUI toolkit) OpenAI Chatbotpyqt-frameless-window
PyQt(+PySide) Frameless Windowpyqt-ultralytics-yolo-gui
Example of using YOLOv8 of Ultralytics in to Object Detection, Semantic Segmentation about image and video in PyQtpyqt-custom-titlebar-window
PyQt custom titlebar window (resizable, movable, minimize/maximize/close)pyqt-slideshow
PyQt widget for slide showpyqt-editable-treewidget-example
PyQt example of QTreeWidget which is editable (intuitive enough to use)pyqt-color-picker
PyQt color picker dialogpyqt-loading-progressbar
PyQt animated progress bar used for loadingpyqt-custom-titlebar-setter
PyQt custom titlebar setter (movable/resizable, etc.)pyqt-bounding-box
PyQt bounding box for graphic design softwarepyqt-graphics-video-item-video-player
Video(mp4 file only) player using QGraphicsVideoItem. Control widget at the bottom is shown/hidden followed by cursor's movement.pyqt-stable-diffusion-gui
PyQt(+PySide) Stable Diffusion GUIpyqt-toast
PyQt Toast (Small message displayed on the screen, visible for a short time)pyqt-plotly-example
PyQt application which shows the plotly mappyqt-realtime-log-widget
Display log in real time with PyQt widgetpyqt-llamaindex
Example of use llama-index in Python desktop applicationpyqt-responsive-label
PyQt QLabel which can resize the font responsively accordance with window's size changepyside-db-chart-mapping-example
PySide6 Example of mapping database table(QSqlTableModel based table view) and chart with QVBarModelMapperpyqt-top-titlebar-widget
PyQt top title bar widget for frameless windowhuggingface_gui
Manage HuggingFace models with Python desktop apppyqt-notifier
PyQt Windows notifier show at bottom right of the desktop screenpyqt-image-file-explorer-table-widget
PyQt QTableWidget for image file explorerqtsasstheme
Set the Qt theme (e.g. darkgray/lightgray/darkblue/lightblue) easilypyqt-vertical-tab-widget
PyQt vertical tab widget (text is horizontal)pyqt-explanation-balloon
PyQt explanation balloonpyqt-capturer
PyQt application which can capture/record certain area of screenpyqt-folium-example
Showing folium(based on leaflet.js) map with PyQt desktop apppyqt-database-example
PyQt database (mainly SQLite) basic use examplepyqt-splitted-graphicsview
QGraphicsView which shows clipped left image and clipped right image at the same place based on movable vertical linepyqt-svg-abstractbutton
PyQt QAbstractButton for pyqt-svg-button and pyqt-svg-toolbuttonpyqt-drawer
PyQt drawerpyqt-line-number-widget
Show line numbers next to QTextBrowser or QTextEditpyqt-instant-search-bar
PyQt instant search barpyqt-titlebar-buttons-widget
PyQt buttons (e.g. min/max/close) widget for title bar or menu barpyqt-multi-language-example
Simple example of how to support multi language with JSON and python dictionary in PyQtqml-rounded-shadow-framelesswindow
Rounded corner, shadow-bordered frameless window made out of qml, execute with PyQt5pyqt-dreamstudio
Using DreamStudio API in Python desktop applicationpyqt-remove-background-from-image
Python desktop app example of remove background from image with OpenCV, PyTorchpyqt-tooltip-list-widget
PyQt QListWidget which shows text as tooltip longer than widget's sizepyqt-foldable-toolbar
PyQt foldable/hidable toolbarpyqt-transparent-button-background-animation-example
PyQt example of transparent button's background animationpyqt-svg-label
PyQt QLabel which supports SVG iconwhisper_transcribe_youtube_video_example_gui
GUI Showcase of using Whisper to transcribe and analyze Youtube videopyqt-text-generation-inference-gui
GUI version of text-generation-inferencepyqt-find-replace-text-widget
PyQt widget which can find and replace text in the QTextEdit/QTextBrowserpyqt-image-to-text
PyQt GUI example of image to text using image-to-text modelpyqt-shadow-frame-window-example
PyQt shadow(+rounded) frame window examplepyqt-new-window-handler
PyQt QObject type class which operates/handles "New Window" featurepyqt-switch
PyQt Switch (O ) -> ( O)pyqt-translucent-full-loading-screen-thread
PyQt thread which overlays the translucent loading screen with label on the whole window like some generic application loading screen.pyqt-vbounding-box
PyQt QGraphicsView with bounding box. User can move horizontal border of the box vertically.pyqt-animated-svg-example
PyQt animated SVG examplepyqt-list-viewer-widget
PyQt widget which consist two widgets: file list widget and viewer widgetpyqt-svg-toolbutton
PyQt SVG icon QToolButtonpyqt-modern-slider
PyQt modern styled sliderpyqt-windows-os-light-dark-theme-window
PyQt windows which detects Windows dark/light theme settings and changes the theme dynamicallypyqt_speech_recognition
PyQt speech recognition demonstrating example (using pydub and speech_recognition, very easy to use)pyqt-search-bar-menu
PyQt QMenu which contains search bar as first itempyqt-transparent-timer
PyQt transparent timerpyqt-comic-viewer
PyQt comic viewerpyside-media-loop
PySide software which can loop the media file (audio file only currently)pyqt-chat-widget
PyQt widget for chatting apppyqt-tooltip-widget
PyQt QWidget as a tooltippyqt-svg-viewer
PyQt SVG viewerpyqt-svg-button
PyQt button which supports svg iconpyqt-rounded-corners-lineedit
PyQt QLineEdit with rounded cornersyjg30737
For main page profilepyqt-find-replace-widget
Find and replace text in the QTextEdit/QTextBrowserpyqt-transparent-centralwidget-window
PyQt window which can set the QMainWindow as main widget and make central widget of QMainWindow transparent. Simply put, frame with no image.pyqt-huggingface-model-requirements-list
Python desktop app implementation of "installation screen" of required HuggingFace model listpyqt-highlight-completer
PyQt highlight completerpyqt-hbounding-box
PyQt QGraphicsView with bounding box. User can move vertical border of the box horizontally.pyqt-dark-calculator
Dark theme calculator made out of PyQt5pyside-database-chart-example
Example of using database and chart with PySide6pyqt-detailed-progress-dialog
PyQt Detailed Progress Dialog (Show the download/copy&paste progress in detail with QListWidget like adding the filename on QListWidget right after it was pasted)pyqt-ani-abstractbutton
PyQt QAbstractButton for animationpyqt-checkbox-table-widget
PyQt's QTableWidget which has checkbox as first header itempyqt-custom-frameless-mainwindow
PyQt Custom Frameless Main Window (Enable to move and resize)pyqt-corner-widget-example
PyQt example which shows widget at the bottom-right corner of window (using event/geometry, no QGridLayout involved)pyqt-key-binding-example
Example and personal practice of show and edit every key mapping data with table widgetpyqt-foldable-window
PyQt foldable windowpyqt-svg-icon-text-widget
PyQt widget consists of textless QLabel which has svg image as an icon on the left and text included QLabel on the rightsvghelper
Set svg color with Pythonpyqt-top-left-right-file-list-widget
Simple PyQt widget which contains QListWidget and add, delete QPushButton to add and delete file in the listpyqt-console
PyQt console which ansi2html package is applied, colorful, console-like output like cmd, bash, etc.pyqt-watermark-applier
PyQt app which can add watermark in multiple images at oncepyqt-dicom-viewer
DICOM file viewer powered by PyQtpyqt-find-text-widget
PyQt widget which can be used to find text in QTextEdit/QTextBrowserpyqt-pytorch-image-classification-gui
PyQt5 usecase of pytorch image classificationpython-file-shuffle
Shuffle files' name with Pythonpyqt_sentence_similarity_model_using_example
PyQt Showcase of using Sentence Similarity model in HuggingFacepyqt-ani-toolbutton
PyQt QToolButton for animationpyqt-googlemap-example
PyQt window which shows the Google
GitHub pagepyqt-ai-question-answer-example
Example of AI question and answer model (deepset based, such as roberta-base-squad2) with Python desktop applicationpyqt-find-path-widget
PyQt find path widget (QLabel - QLineEdit - QPushButton)pyqt-foldable-item-list-widget
PyQt QListWidget which itemWidget is foldablepyqt-moving-label
PyQt label which is moving from left to rightpyqt-matplotlib-scatter-plots-example
Showcase of interaction of PyQt GUI and Matplotlib Scatter Plot (with LassoSelector)SQLDatabaseChain_langchain_example
Example of using OpenAI LLM to analyze databaseLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us