RF tool based on CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro 8VMHz/3.3V. Allows using CLI with human readable commands to control CC1101 board over USB interface. Putty or any other serial terminal can be used. It has similar functionality to YardStick One but is cheaper and doesn't need specialized software. Allows for RF jamming and simple replay attackantispy-jammer
Simplest ultrasonic ANTISPY voice recording jammer based on ATTINY13 / ATTINY85/45/25 / ARDUINO with PAM8403 / TPA3116D2 module driving piezo ultrasonic transducers (and optionally AD8933 signal generator)cc1101-jammer
Example of using CC1101 module with Arduino Pro Micro ( ATMEGA32U4 ) for radio jammingjammer
Very simple 433MHz (EU/ASIA) 315 MHz (US) RF jammer for keyless cars theft preventionsim808gpstracker
DIY GPS GSM vehicle tracker based on SIM808 module and ATMEGA328Purh-arduino-cloning-keys
this is example of cloning my garage keys with Arduino Digispark and FS1000A transmitter. The keys sequences were recorded first using Universal Radio Hacker toolsim7000gpstracker
This is simple GPS vehicle tracker base on SIMCOM SIM7000E/G/A module. Works for GSM/LTE-M networks around the globegpstracker
the cheapest GPS tracker / GPS locator based on AVR ATTINY2313/4313 or ATMEGA328 (ARDUINO) and SIM800L GSM modulerf-jammer
Professional RF jammer with RF VCO and power RF amplifierbadUSB
This is BadUSB / Rubberducky device example based on ARDUINO MICRO SS BETTLE. Allows for doing nasty things over USBcc1101
Simple packet radio on ATMEGA328p (arduino) and CC1101 chip - PC to PC communicatorcc1101-arduino-radio-communicator
This is simple half duplex radio communication device built with CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro (3.3V / 8MHz) using SmartRC librarypest-repellent
This is ultrasonic pest repellent device for bugs based on ATTINY85, resistors and PAM4803 amplifier with set of 40kHz ultrasonic transducersthermometer-ATTINY13-NokiaLCD
Low power digital thermometer on ATTINY13+LM35(TMP36) and Nokia 5110 LCD module. Works more than month on single 2xAA battery packradiochat
This is a simple 2 WAY radio chat device built from Digispark (ATTINY85) + FS1000A + MX-PM-5V modules. Allows "IRC" like radio communication between several PC connected to 433MHz/315MHz frequency.thermometer-LM35-TM1637
Digital LED thermometer on ATTINY13 / LM35 and 4-digit TM1637 module for Arduino. Uses LM35 analog themperature sensor (0-100C degrees).thermometer-ATTINY85-Nokia5110LCD-DHT11
simple thermometer and hygrometer based on ATTINY85/45, Nokia 5110 LCD module and DHT11 sensorthermometer-atiny85-nokia5110lcd
Ultra low power thermometer built using ATTINY85, TMP 36 (LM36) sensor and NOKIA 5110 LCD modulethermometer-DHT11-TM1637
Digital thermometer & humidity meter based on : ATTINY13, DHT11 sensor, TM1637 LED 4 digit displaythermometer-LM35-ATTINY13-TM1637-Negative-temperatures
igital LED thermometer on ATTINY13 and TM1637 4-digit LED Arduino module. Uses analog temperature sensor LM35 (for -50C - 100C degrees) with pullup diode 1N4007 to enable negative temperature measurementssmartmetering
Smart metering of temperature and humidity with reporting via SMS texting / uploading data over GPRS to Thingspeak platform or othersledbanner
This is scrolling LED banner based on customizable set of MAX7219 modules and ATTINY85 / ATMEGA328 chip. Supports up to 32 daisy chained 8x8 LED matrix modules and scrolled texts longer than 5000 characters. When using ATMEGA328P you can send text message to display via serial port and FTDI232 adapterthermometer
Low power digital thermometer on ATTINY85 / ATTINY45 + TMP 36 and Nokia 5110 LCD module. Works more than month on single 2xAA battery packarduino-led-banner
This is simple LED BANNER constructed of Arduino Digispark and daisy-chained set of MAX7219 LED 8x8 matrix. Displays up to 500 characters long text message that is stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory of the chip and uploaded via USB from the PC ( Putty terminal ) - natively from USB or via FTDI232 USB-to-Serial converterthermometer-DHT22-TM1637
simple digital thermometer and humidity meter based on ATTINY 13 / ATTINY 85 , digital LED module TM1637 and sensor DHT22 (AOSONG AM2302 module)thermometer-TM1637
Digital LED thermometer on ATTINY13 and 4-digit TM1637 module for Arduino. Uses TMP36 analog themperature sensor (0-100C degrees) or TMP36 (-50 +100C).Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us