Data Structure and Algorithm in JavaScript and TypeScript
- Max Char
- Array Chunking
- Anagram 1
- Anagram 2
- Capitalization
- Chunk Array
- FizzBuzz
- Integer Reversal
- LinkedList
- Palindrom
- Queue Weaving
- Queue
- Stack
- String Reversal
- Circular Linked List
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Merge Sort
- Liner Search
- Binary Search
- Check For Pair in Array with Sum as X : X is any Arbitrary Value
- Largest Consecutive Sum in Array
- Leader In Array
- Longest Increasing Sub-Sequence
- Max Sum Such That No Two Element Are Adjacent
- Segregate 0s and 1s in an array
- Sort an array of 0's 1's and 2's in O(n);
- Find Two Element in Array Whose Sum is Closest to Zero
- Find Next Greater Element in Array
- Find Nth Node from end : LinkedList
- Fibonacci
- Delete Given Node from Linkeded List
- Find Middle Node in LinkedList
- Finding Second Largest Element in Array in O(n)
- How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100
- Hash Password
- Convert Map to Object
- Find Unique in Array
- Level Width of Tree
- BST Validation
- etc..
- Selection Sort
- Max Char
- Array Chunking
- Anagram 1
- Anagram 2
- Capitalization
- Chunk Array
- FizzBuzz
- Integer Reversal
- LinkedList
- Palindrom
- Queue Weaving
- Queue
- Stack
- String Reversal
- Circular Linked List
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Merge Sort
- Liner Search
- Binary Search
- Check For Pair in Array with Sum as X : X is any Arbitrary Value
- Largest Consecutive Sum in Array
- Leader In Array
- Longest Increasing Sub-Sequence
- Max Sum Such That No Two Element Are Adjacent
- Segregate 0s and 1s in an array
- Sort an array of 0's 1's and 2's in O(n);
- Find Two Element in Array Whose Sum is Closest to Zero
- Find Next Greater Element in Array
- Find Nth Node from end : LinkedList
- Fibonacci
- Delete Given Node from Linkeded List
- Find Middle Node in LinkedList
- Finding Second Largest Element in Array in O(n)
- How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100
- Hash Password
- Convert Map to Object
- Find Unique in Array
- etc..
Note: All Above Algorithm will also be written in Typescript in future.
Few Algo not mentioned here in Readme but Available in repo (Only JS => Part of leetcode)
Multiple Ways To Run JavaSctipt Code
- node filename.js
- yarn run js filename.js
- nodemon filename.js
- npm run js filename.js
- npm run-script filename.js
Multiple Ways To Run Typescript Code
- ts-node filename.ts
- yarn run ts filename.ts
- npm run ts filename.ts
- npm run-script filename.ts
Running Prettier on All File
- npm install prettier -g
- prettier --write *.js
- prettier --write *.ts
Note : More Algo solution from is been Maintained in different Repo : or inside folder leetcode
Watchout Alogs
- CheckForPairinArrayWithSumAsX.js
- LargestConsecutiveArraySum.js
- LeaderInArray.js
- LongestIncreasingSubSequence.js
- selectionSort.js
- anagram2.js
- binarySearch.js
- chunk.js
- linkedlist.js
- stack.js
- queue.js
Author: Yogendra Saxena