Front-end tooling recipes
Collection of pre-configured front-end tooling setups for common uses.
- Compress with Brotli and Gzip - Compress static files with Brotli and Gzip using maximum compression.
- Express server with Nodemon & Browsersync - Auto restart ExpressJS server and auto reload browser on file changes.
- Nightwatch server and browsers - Run your project's end-to-end (e2e) tests in Chrome and Firefox using Nightwatch.
- PostCSS process and watch - Compile CSS with support for CSS imports, variables, vendor prefixing and minification using PostCSS.
- Revision static assets - Give files a unique filename based on their contents and update references to them.
- Rollup bundle and watch - Bundle JS files with support for ES2015/16, minification and sourcemaps using Rollup.
- Travis CI: deploy to GitHub Pages - Automatically create distributions and deploy them to GitHub Pages using Travis CI.