Россияне! Остановите эту бессмысленную войну
Я — одессит, русский — мой родной язык, как и для миллиона одесситов. Я, как и абсолютное большинство русскоговорящих здесь, считаю себя украинцем и желаю жить в независимой Украине. Мы имеем право на самоопределение. Россияне не имеют права определять нас.
Россия ведёт войну против Украины. Тысячи людей погибли с обоих сторон и продолжают гибнуть. Больше миллиона беженцев. Города, в которых происходят боевые действия, находятся в руинах. Украинцы это испытывают сейчас и видят эти ужасы своими глазами, а не по телевизору за тысячи километров. Выключите телевизор в своих головах. Прислушайтесь к людям, которые живут в Украине. Остановите эту бессмысленную войну
notify-send.sh is a drop-in replacement for notify-send (from libnotify) with ability to update and close existing notifications.
The dependencies are bash
and gdbus
(shipped with glib2).
In Debian and Ubuntu you can ensure all dependencies are installed with the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install bash libglib2.0-bin
For Arch Linux users notify-send.sh is available in AUR.
notify-send.sh has all command line options of notify-send with a few additional ones:
notify-send.sh [OPTION...] <SUMMARY> [BODY] - create a notification
Help Options:
-?|--help Show help options
Application Options:
-u, --urgency=LEVEL Specifies the urgency level (low, normal, critical).
-t, --expire-time=TIME Specifies the timeout in milliseconds at which to expire the notification.
-f, --force-expire Forcefully closes the notification when the notification has expired.
-a, --app-name=APP_NAME Specifies the app name for the icon.
-i, --icon=ICON[,ICON...] Specifies an icon filename or stock icon to display.
-c, --category=TYPE[,TYPE...] Specifies the notification category.
-h, --hint=TYPE:NAME:VALUE Specifies basic extra data to pass. Valid types are int, double, string and byte.
-o, --action=LABEL:COMMAND Specifies an action. Can be passed multiple times. LABEL is usually a button's label. COMMAND is a shell command executed when action is invoked.
-d, --default-action=COMMAND Specifies the default action which is usually invoked by clicking the notification.
-l, --close-action=COMMAND Specifies the action invoked when notification is closed.
-p, --print-id Print the notification ID to the standard output.
-r, --replace=ID Replace existing notification.
-R, --replace-file=FILE Store and load notification replace ID to/from this file.
-s, --close=ID Close notification.
-v, --version Version of the package.
So, for example, to notify a user of a new email we can run:
$ notify-send.sh --icon=mail-unread --app-name=mail --hint=string:sound-name:message-new-email Subject Message
To replace or close existing message first we should know its id. To
get id we have to run notify-send.sh with --print-id
$ notify-send.sh --print-id Subject Message
Now we can update this notification using --replace
$ notify-send.sh --replace=10 --print-id "New Subject" "New Message"
Now we may want to close the notification:
$ notify-send.sh --close=10
Use --replace-file
to make sure that no more than one notification
is created per file. For example, to increase volume by 5% and show
the current volume value you can run:
$ notify-send.sh --replace-file=/tmp/volumenotification "Increase Volume" "$(amixer sset Master 5%+ | awk '/[0-9]+%/ {print $2,$5}')"
You can add a button to the notification with -o
or --default-action=
$ notify-send.sh "Subject" "Message" -o "Show another notification:notify-send.sh 'new Subject' 'New Message'"
You can specify multiple actions by passing -o
multiple times. Use
or --default-action
for action which is usually invoked when
notification area is clicked. Use -l
or --close-action
for action
performed when notification is closed.
$ notify-send.sh "Subject" "Message" \
-d "notify-send.sh 'Default Action'" \
-o "Button Action:notify-send.sh 'Button Action'" \
-l "notify-send.sh 'Close Action'"