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  • Created over 8 years ago
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Troll your friends with simple commands AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE

Trolol - Command line tool for trolling

Troll your friends with a simple command AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.


Currently usable only on Linux and Mac OS X machines.


Install npm and use it to install trolol globally

$ npm install -g trolol


  Usage: trolol [options] [command]


    command-not-found|cmd <command>      Overwrite command with a fake alias

    rebecca-black|rebecca [options]      Play Rebecca Black Greatest Hits in a browser ("Friday" is default)
    steve [options]                      Open "Developers by Steve Balmer" in a browser

    volume-level|vol [options] <length>  Change volume level randomly in period of time (length in seconds)
    brightness [options] <length>        Change brightness randomly in period of time (length in seconds)
    screensaver [options] <times>        Start the screensaver with a random interval of 5 to 30 seconds
    shutdown <program> [options]         Shut down a program at random intervals, between 5 and 20 minutes

    move-mouse|mouse [options] <length>  Move mouse slowly and randomly across the screen
    disable-mouse [options] <length>     Disable mouse cursor for some time (length in seconds)

    beep [options] <times>               Beeep beeeeep, annoying little sh*t
    eject [options] <times>              Eject media from drive after every 15 seconds n time

    say [options] <message>              [MAC ONLY] Scare the sh*t out of your dude with a speaking computer
    mmm [options]                        [MAC ONLY] Receive repeated approval from your computer
    photo-booth [options] <times>        [MAC ONLY] Open up Photo booth n times
    spotify [options] <times>            [MAC ONLY] Switch Spotify music track back after every 15 seconds n time

    website <from> <to>                  [RUN AS ADMIN] Redirect webpage to a different site
    motd-dickbutt|dickbutt               [RUN AS ADMIN] Add Dickbutt ASCII art text to Terminal Message of the day


    -h, --help     output usage information


Command not found

Make a given command "not found" with a fake alias. For example existing command grails

$ trolol command-not-found grails

will start throwing error after using a command above

-bash: grails: command not found

Change volume level randomly


$ trolol volume-level 10 --wait 25

will start changing volume level after 25 seconds randomly 10 times.

Move mouse


$ trolol move-mouse 60

will move the mouse 60 seconds randomly across the screen



$ trolol shutdown iTunes --times 10

will shut down iTunes randomly every 5 - 20 minutes, a total of 10 times


  1. Implement a cool and "easy to revert" troll in a bash script
  2. Move the script to ./src/scripts
  3. Write a command to ./bin/trolol (more info about commander.js)
  4. Write a shell script executor to ./src/trolol.js (more info about ShellJS)
  5. Test (no automated tests for now)
  6. Make a pull request

With a successful contribution you can write your name in history.
