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  • License
    MIT License
  • Created about 6 years ago
  • Updated over 1 year ago


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Repository Details

Question & Answer Application built with Laravel 5

Laravel Q/A

Laravel Q/A is an application that replicate StackOverlow. Users can ask a questions or answer other user's questions.


  1. Download the code by clicking Code, Download ZIP. Or if you have Git install in your machine, you can run this in your teminal.
git clone [email protected]:tutsprime/laravel-qa.git
  1. Change directory to your local copy of laravel-qa in your terminal. Then install composer dependencies.
composer install
  1. Copy .env file from .env.example. In NIX machine you can use this command.
cp .env.example .env
  1. Prepare a database. You can use this command.
mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE laravel_qa"

If you have password for your database, you need to specify -p on the command.

  1. Configure your database settings in .env
  1. Migrate database tables and seed them with fake data
php artisan migrate --seed
  1. Generate a key for you application
php artisan key:generate
  1. Generate passport encryption keys
php artisan passport:install
  1. Install frontend dependencies.
npm install
  1. Run laravel mix
npm run watch

Your local copy of laravel-qa is ready to access in your browser ;)