Programmer's qwerty
or "there was no time for dvorak"
This layout makes characters that I frequent in my vims and my shells more accessible.
All of these characters can be typed with zero modifiers:
! ' # $ % & / ( ) = ? ` {} | : ;
. can be accessed with Shift-:
, can be accessed with shift-, or ISO_Level3_Shift-j
; can be accessed with , or ISO_Level3_Shift-k
' can be accessed with 2 or ISO_Level3_Shift-1 or ' or ISO_Level3_Shift-2
" can be accessed with ISO_Level3_Shift-2
Numbers can be accessed with Shift-#
All dead keys are replaced with the (if appropriate) non-dead character
More or less commonly used unicode characters can be accessed with ISO_Level3-X;
♫ ♬ ↑ ∧ ♡ ♥ ° ⸣ ¹ ⌜ ⌝
Mapping Shift-Backspace doesn't work:
key <BKSP> { [ BackSpace, BackSpace, Delete, BackSpace ] };
On my system, only the non-shifted BackSpace works, as can be illustrated with:
key <BKSP> { [ a, b, c, d] };
I'm not the only one having problems:[email protected]/msg79013.html
Consider making ^ non-shifted. I use it way more than ~, and $ (EOL) is already unshifted.
We should be able to make TLDE do something useful.
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
- Around line 36:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '♫'. Assuming UTF-8