A simple Julia client to access InfluxDB based on the Flux query language.
Only supports read access
] add https://github.com/tallakt/InfluxFlux#main
using Dates
using InfluxFlux
api_key = "...."
srv = influx_server("https://some.influxdb.endpoint.influxdata.com", "[email protected]", api_token)
# raw query to string
raw = flux(srv, "buckets()") |> String
# raw query to dataframe, note only one table supported
table = flux_to_dataframe(srv, """
from(bucket: "example-bucket")
|> range(start: -1d)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "foo")
|> group(columns: ["sensorID"])
|> mean()
# get all data for a measurement as a DataFrame
dataframe1 = measurement(srv, "example_bucket", "sensors", now(UTC) - Hour(1), now())
# get measurements with a reduced sample rate 1 minute
dataframe2 = aggregate_measurement(srv, "example_bucket", "sensors", now(UTC) - Hour(1), now(), Minute(1))