Aug 2020 Update - This is now a deprecated project
I was planning to do a rewrite round about now, but there are enough people working on the static sites problem in Svelte that I don't wish to contribute to the noise. Please check out these other projects.
I will be exploring moving to one of these projects to support them.
Why SSG?
Watch this 20 min talk:
What is this repo?
this is a monorepo for a Sapper Site Generator and related packages. Check README's inside /packages
for more info on each. In particular:
- /packages/ssg is the primary package. Please click thru and read this to get started.
- /packages/source-yaml (status: active)
- /packages/source-devto (status: active)
- /packages/source-remark (status: inactive)
We also have an examples
folder but its kinda inactive right now.
Project Roadmap
I have been dragging my feet on SSG mostly because I wish someone else was working on it rather than me (it will never make money and I don't have time for it).
However the conversations I have daily at work always bother me and make me wish there was a better solution out there. Because nobody is working on exactly what I want, I'm forced to be the one to do it :( despite not having a better usecase for it than my own blog.
I am not at all optimistic this will ever be a wise venture so this is literally for shits n giggles until someone more serious than me picks this up. Because I'm not serious about it, it has an even higher chance of failure than the abysmal chance it had :(. at least i hope somebody else comes along and picks this up.
Other attempts at a Svelte Site Generator
SSG v0
whatever i have now, the Sapper-based slow monstrosity. I can add:
- an incremental build api
- zero config filestructure based markdown
- default ejectable theme
- preprocessed typescript and postcss
SSG v1
What I want SSG to launch with is:
- 0kb of JS for a page that doesnt use it
- visual editor? use netlifycms? fork sapper studio?
- incremental builds
- ludicrous speed. this probably means not using Sapper, and possibly using Rust/WASM.
- ejectable themes
- preprocessed typescript and postcss
- Zero config:
- filestructure based markdown
- ship your own docs in CLI
- proper docsite
- Differential Dataflow
open questions:
- dev mode?
- no clientside routing?
- graphql?
- 404 search
- react import path?
- tailwind?
- graphql support?
- support 11ty's templating (mustache etc) and exact api?
SSG v2
I actually wish i could work on this earlier, but Netlify doesn't support datastores now so there's no point:
- serverless serving if updates are found (so you get instant refresh)
- smart clientside routing? need to learn a lot more about this
- service worker layer?
TODO: check if there's a way to see if there's a new version of a page updated
- nested ssgconfigs so you can section up sites?
What else?