A reusable synchronization component for Om.
leverages the new :tx-listen
option allowed by
. For example you can imagine setting up your
application like so:
(let [tx-chan (chan)
tx-pub-chan (async/pub tx-chan (fn [_] :txs))]
{:method :get
:url "/init"
(fn [res]
(reset! app-state res)
(om/root app-view app-state
{:target (gdom/getElement "app")
:shared {:tx-chan tx-pub-chan}
(fn [tx-data root-cursor]
(put! tx-chan [tx-data root-cursor]))}))}))
We publish a transaction queue channel :tx-chan
as a global service
via :shared
so that om-sync
instances can listen in.
We can now take any application data and wrap it in an om-sync
instance. Whenever application data changes om-sync
will synchronize
those changes via EDN requests to
a server.
Notice in the following that om-sync
can take an :on-error
handler. This error handler will be given tx-data
which contains
enough information to roll back the entire application state if
something goes wrong.
(defn app-view [app owner]
(will-update [_ next-props next-state]
(when (:err-msg next-state)
(js/setTimeout #(om/set-state! owner :err-msg nil) 5000)))
(render-state [_ {:keys [err-msg]}]
(dom/div nil
(om/build om-sync (:items app)
{:opts {:view items-view
:filter (comp #{:create :update :delete} tx-tag)
:id-key :some/id
:on-success (fn [res tx-data] (println res))
(fn [err tx-data]
(reset! app-state (:old-state tx-data))
(om/set-state! owner :err-msg
"Ooops! Sorry something went wrong try again later."))}})
(when err-msg
(dom/div nil err-msg))))))
and om.core/update!
now support tagging
transactions with a keyword or a vector that starts with a
keyword. om-sync
listens in on transactions labeled :create
, and :delete
(defn foo [some-data owner]
(om.core/transact! some-data :foo (fn [_] :bar) :update))
If you are given some component that does not tag its transactions or
the tags do not correspond to :create
, :update
, and :delete
can provide a :tag-fn
via :opts
to om-sync
so that you can
classify the transaction yourself.
Pull requests welcome.
Copyright © 2014 David Nolen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.