Hi, its Vivz here from slidenerd. Wanna make a material design app without a lot of headaches? You came to the right repository. This app is a movie list downloading app from RottenTomatoes that has the following features which are being continually updated.
- Vector + Animated Vector Drawables
- Material Style Navigation Drawer
- Material Design Floating Action Button With Menu
- Volley Integration With Singleton + ImageLoader
- Toolbar + Animations
- RecyclerView + Animations
- Material Design Tabs With Icons
Animated Toolbar
![testgif]( with Animations
![testgif]( Drawer
![testgif]( with VectorDrawables
![testgif]( VectorDrawables
![testgif]( Item Animators
![testgif]( Material Tabs
![testgif]( Action Button With Menu