Mattermost Plugin Remind
A bot that schedules reminders for Mattermost
requires Mattermost v6.5.2 or greater.
- Go to the releases page of this GitHub repository and download the latest release for your Mattermost server.
- Upload this file in the Mattermost System Console > Plugins > Management page to install the plugin. To learn more about how to upload a plugin, see the documentation.
- For a better cross timezone experience, enable Experimental timezone support.
System Console -> Experimental Features -> Timezone = true
- (Opt.) If your server is not configured for cross-team DMs (i.e.
Enable users to open Direct Message channels with:
is set toUsers on same Team
) then you will need to addremindbot
to any team which wishes to use the plugin. This is done through the "Manage members" interface.
- opens up an interactive dialog to schedule a reminder/remind help
- displays help examples/remind list
- displays a list of reminders/remind [who] [what] [when]
/remind [who] [what] in [# (seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks|months|years)]
/remind [who] [what] at [(noon|midnight|one..twelve|00:00am/pm|0000)] (every) [day|date]
/remind [who] [what] (on) [(monday-sunday|month&day|m/d/y|d.m.y)] (at) [time]
/remind [who] [what] every (other) [monday,...,sunday|weekdays|month&day|m/d|d.m] (at) [time]
/remind [who] [when] [what]
Here is the full list of Examples
This will produce a single plugin file (with support for multiple architectures) for upload to your Mattermost server: