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Scala.js facade for WebSQL/SQLite API

CI Coverage Status scala-index Scala.js

Scala Commons Web SQL

Scala.js facade for WebSQL API

It's relying on the following reference implementation: https://github.com/nolanlawson/node-websql

This API can be backed by SQLite on Node.js and react-native platforms.

How to add it to your project

val scommonsWebSqlVer = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.scommons.websql" %%% "scommons-websql-core" % scommonsWebSqlVer,
  // see migrations/README.md
  "org.scommons.websql" %%% "scommons-websql-migrations" % scommonsWebSqlVer,

  // high level IO effect API (already includes core)
  "org.scommons.websql" %%% "scommons-websql-io" % scommonsWebSqlVer

Latest SNAPSHOT version is published to Sonatype Repo, just make sure you added the proper dependency resolver to your build.sbt settings:

resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"

How to use it

Open Database

On react-native project (using scommons-expo module):

import scommons.expo.sqlite.SQLite

val db = SQLite.openDatabase("myfirst.db")

On Node.js project:

import scommons.websql.WebSQL

val db = WebSQL.openDatabase("myfirst.db")

// or in-memory DB, useful for testing
val db = WebSQL.openDatabase(":memory:")

Create DB Schema

You can use tx.executeSql method to run raw SQL queries:

db.transaction { tx =>
      """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS categories (
        |  id              integer primary key,
        |  category_name   text NOT NULL,
        |  created_at      timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now') * 1000),
        |  UNIQUE (category_name)
      "INSERT INTO categories (category_name) VALUES (?), (?)",
        "test category 1",
        "test category 2"

It can be fully automated by using migrations module.

Create DB Context

Example SQLite DB context:

import scommons.websql.Database
import scommons.websql.io.SqliteContext

class ShowcaseDBContext(db: Database) extends SqliteContext(db) {

  // example of custom encoder
  implicit val categoryIdToInt: MappedEncoding[CategoryId, Int] = mappedEncoding[CategoryId, Int](_.value)
  implicit val categoryIdEncoder: Encoder[CategoryId] = mappedEncoder[CategoryId, Int]

  // example of custom decoder
  implicit val intToCategoryId: MappedEncoding[Int, CategoryId] = mappedEncoding[Int, CategoryId](CategoryId)
  implicit val categoryIdDecoder: Decoder[CategoryId] = mappedDecoder[Int, CategoryId]

Create DB Entity

Example DB entity class:

case class CategoryEntity(id: Int,
                          categoryName: String)

Create DAO

Data Access Object (DAO) layer has very similar query IO API interface as quill, except that SQL has to be written explicitly rather than generated during the build.

Example 1 DAO class with basic DB queries/actions:

import scommons.websql.io.dao.CommonDao
import scommons.websql.io.showcase.domain._

import scala.concurrent.Future

class CategoryDao(val ctx: ShowcaseDBContext) extends CommonDao {

  import ctx._

  def getByIdQuery(id: Int): IO[Seq[CategoryEntity], Effect.Read] = {
      sql = "SELECT id, category_name FROM categories WHERE id = ?",
      args = id,
      extractor = CategoryEntity.tupled

  def getById(id: Int): Future[Option[CategoryEntity]] = {
    getOne("getById", ctx.performIO(getByIdQuery(id)))

  def count(): Future[Int] = {
      ctx.runQuerySingle("SELECT count(*) FROM categories", identity[Int])

  def list(optOffset: Option[Int],
           limit: Int,
           symbols: Option[String]
          ): Future[(Seq[CategoryEntity], Option[Int])] = {

    val text = s"%${symbols.getOrElse("")}%"
    val offset = optOffset.getOrElse(0)

    val countQuery = optOffset match {
      case Some(_) => IO.successful(None)
      case None => ctx.runQuerySingle(
        sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM categories WHERE category_name LIKE ?",
        args = text,
        extractor = identity[Int]

    val fetchQuery = ctx.runQuery(
      sql =
          |  id,
          |  category_name
          |  categories
          |  category_name LIKE ?
          |ORDER BY
          |  category_name
          |LIMIT ?
          |OFFSET ?
      args = (text, limit, offset),
      extractor = CategoryEntity.tupled

    val q = for {
      maybeCount <- countQuery
      results <- fetchQuery
    } yield {
      (results, maybeCount)

    // internally IO is always performed within transaction

  def insertQuery(entity: CategoryEntity): IO[Int, Effect.Write] = {
      "INSERT INTO categories (category_name) VALUES (?)", entity.categoryName

  def insert(entity: CategoryEntity): Future[Int] = {

  def insertMany(list: Seq[CategoryEntity]): Future[Seq[Int]] = {

  def upsert(entity: CategoryEntity): Future[CategoryEntity] = {
    val q = for {
      maybeCategory <- ctx.runQuery(
        sql = "SELECT id, category_name FROM categories WHERE category_name = ?",
        args = entity.categoryName,
        extractor = CategoryEntity.tupled
      id <- maybeCategory match {
        case None => insertQuery(entity)
        case Some(c) =>
          updateQuery(entity.copy(id = c.id))
            .map(_ => c.id)
      res <- getByIdQuery(id).map(_.head)
    } yield res


  def updateQuery(entity: CategoryEntity): IO[Long, Effect.Write] = {
      sql = "UPDATE categories SET category_name = ? WHERE id = ?",
      args = (entity.categoryName, entity.id)

  def update(entity: CategoryEntity): Future[Boolean] = {

  def updateMany(list: Seq[CategoryEntity]): Future[Seq[Boolean]] = {
    ctx.performIO(IO.sequence(list.map(updateQuery)).map { results =>
      results.map(_ > 0)

  def deleteAll(): Future[Long] = {
    ctx.performIO(ctx.runAction("DELETE FROM categories"))

Example 2 DAO class with more advanced DB queries:

import scommons.websql.io.dao.CommonDao
import scommons.websql.io.showcase.domain._

import scala.concurrent.Future

class ProductDao(val ctx: ShowcaseDBContext) extends CommonDao {

  import ctx._

  def allProducts(): Future[Seq[ProductEntity]] = {
      "SELECT id, name, category_id FROM products ORDER BY id",

  def joinProducts(): Future[Seq[(ProductEntity, CategoryEntity)]] = {
      sql =
          |  p.id             AS _0, -- ******************************* 
          |  p.name           AS _1, -- * NOTE:
          |  p.category_id    AS _2, -- *   for JOIN queries from different tables
          |  c.id             AS _3, -- *   ALWAYS specify custom unique fields names !!!
          |  c.category_name  AS _4  -- *******************************
          |FROM (
          |  SELECT id, name, category_id FROM products ORDER BY id
          |) AS p
          |INNER JOIN categories c ON p.category_id = c.id
      extractor = { case (p, c) =>
        (ProductEntity.tupled(p), CategoryEntity.tupled(c))
      }: (((Int, String, Option[Int]), (Int, String))) =>
        (ProductEntity, CategoryEntity)

  def leftJoinProducts(): Future[Seq[(ProductEntity, Option[CategoryEntity])]] = {
      sql =
          |  p.id             AS _0, -- ******************************* 
          |  p.name           AS _1, -- * NOTE:
          |  p.category_id    AS _2, -- *   for JOIN queries from different tables
          |  c.id             AS _3, -- *   ALWAYS specify custom unique fields names !!!
          |  c.category_name  AS _4  -- *******************************
          |FROM (
          |  SELECT id, name, category_id FROM products ORDER BY id
          |) AS p
          |LEFT JOIN categories c ON p.category_id = c.id
      extractor = { case (p, c) =>
        (ProductEntity.tupled(p), c.map(CategoryEntity.tupled))
      }: (((Int, String, Option[Int]), Option[(Int, String)])) =>
        (ProductEntity, Option[CategoryEntity])

Running queries

Example business logic / service layer:

import scommons.websql.io.showcase.domain.CategoryEntity
import scommons.websql.io.showcase.domain.dao.CategoryDao

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future

class CategoryService(dao: CategoryDao) {

  def getById(id: Int): Future[CategoryEntity] = {
    dao.getById(id).map(ensureCategory(id, _))

  def add(entity: CategoryEntity): Future[CategoryEntity] = {
    for {
      insertId <- dao.insert(entity)
      entity <- dao.getById(insertId).map(ensureCategory(insertId, _))
    } yield entity

  private def ensureCategory(id: Int, maybeCat: Option[CategoryEntity]): CategoryEntity = {
    maybeCat.getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Category is not found, categoryId: $id")


You can find more documentation here