This repo aims to gather knowledge from https://elmlang.slack.com #elm-ui or elsewhere.
PRs welcomed.
- examples directory.
- web interface to control mpv https://github.com/rofrol/elm-mpv-webui
- slider https://github.com/rofrol/elm-mpv-webui/blob/master/webui-page/src/Slider.elm
- more examples https://github.com/bburdette/elm-ui-examples
- even more examples https://github.com/objarni/elm-ui-examples
- "elm-ui Patterns" by Alex Korban https://korban.net/elm/elm-ui-patterns/
- ellies catalog: search for "elm-ui" https://janiczek-ellies.builtwithdark.com/
Centralize Input.text contents
mthiems 2:33 AM
@VPagani I've seen this before, and I think this may be a bug in the current version of elm-ui. It seems the input
DOM element needs a text-align: inherit
style, as the text-align: center
is on a parent div
instead of on the input
itself. Here's an Ellie illustrating one option for a workaround that makes it work:
https://elmlang.slack.com #elm-ui
Structuring code
blackeuler 4:46 AM Is there any strategy when it comes to structing the code? I feel like I have a lot of code in the one file all mainly for the view of the page.
mgriffithbulb 4:58 AM First suggestion is to take all values and put them in one file (colors, spacing/padding values, font sizes and font families). I usually call this file UI After that, if you find a reusable part of a view, I’d put it in it’s own sub module. So, buttons go in UI.Button. Though it’s also fine to have big files.
https://elmlang.slack.com #elm-ui
Break long text without spaces
row [ width fill ]
[ paragraph
[ Font.color model.style.color
, Font.size 40
, Html.Attributes.style "word-break" "break-all" |> htmlAttribute
[ text model.status.filename ]
'overflow-wrap: break-word'
will not work when paragraph
inside row
so this solution https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3058866/how-to-force-a-line-break-in-a-long-word-in-a-div/3059128#3059128 is bad for flexbox.
Center wrapped flexbox
You can't
Custom events
Examples in source code https://github.com/mdgriffith/elm-ui/blob/1.1.5/src/Element/Events.elm#L177 but are not exported
Mouse click coordinates
Examples in source code but on exported https://github.com/mdgriffith/elm-ui/blob/1.1.5/src/Element/Events.elm#L115
colorToRgbaString color =
floatTo256 f =
if f >= 1 then
floor (f * 256)
rgba =
Element.toRgb color
floatToString f =
String.pad 2 '0' (String.fromInt (floatTo256 f))
++ floatToString rgba.red
++ ", "
++ floatToString rgba.green
++ ", "
++ floatToString rgba.blue
++ ", "
++ floatToString rgba.alpha
++ ")"
colorToRgbaAttr color =
{ red, green, blue, alpha } =
toRgb color
rgb =
[ red, green, blue ] |> List.map ((*) 255 >> String.fromFloat) |> List.intersperse ", " |> List.foldl (++) ""
Html.Attributes.style "color" ("rgba(" ++ rgb ++ "," ++ String.fromFloat alpha ++ ")")
Multiple focus bug
wrap each button in an Element.el
mdgriffith/elm-ui#47 (comment)
em values
Sophie [Yesterday at 10:24 PM]
Is there a way to specify em
values in elm-ui
jhbrown [12 hours ago] There is not. Just px and percents.
https://elmlang.slack.com #elm-ui
External css
jesse 7 minutes ago We primarily use elm-ui and also have external Sass styling too and it’s fine jesse 6 minutes ago You may need to use https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/Element#noStaticStyleSheet
https://elmlang.slack.com #news-and-links
mouseOver and Font.underline
Use Border
[ Border.color <| rgba255 255 255 255 255
, Border.widthEach
{ bottom = 1
, left = 0
, top = 0
, right = 0
, mouseOver [ Border.color <| rgb255 255 0 0 ]
"spacing" does not respect spacing to the outer edges
Spacing is the distance between contained elements. You are looking for "padding" on the container (to specify how near to the borders of the container the contained elements can be).