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Scripts and utlities that go with a deployment of Caffe as a cat detector


Jetson cat chasing: Turn on the lawn sprinkler when a neural net sees a cat.

A collection of utilities useful for working with segmented images and the fcn variant of Caffe. See my page for a description of the system.

cat_sprinkler.cpp       Firmware for the photon
count_pascal_mat.py     Counts classified pixels in a Pascal Context .mat file
count_pascal.py         Coutns classified pixels in a Pascal Context .png file
get_png_palette.py      Gets the pallete from a .png file
last10.py               Show the last 10 shots from the camera at 1/2 res
mask_out.py             Masks out and colorizes the classified pixels in an image
mat2png.py              Convert a Pascal Context .mat file to .png
movie.py                Spin through a bunch of images on the command line
png2mat.py              Convert a Pascal Context .png file to .mat
resize.py               Resize an image
seg_fix.py              Demo for how to change the segmentation in a file
show_seg.py             Overlays displays a base image with the semented pixels
yesno.py                Sort a bunch of images into "yes" and "no" buckets
zip_dir.py              Zip two directories together
zip_neg.py              Zip a directory with a single file

cats.sh                 Simple script to run fcn segmentations on files coming in from FTP
dclean.sh               Monitor an FTP directory
tcats.sh                The one I use
spon                    Disable the sprinkler
spoff                   Enable the sprinkler
sprinkle.sh             Start the sprinkler
sprinkle_off.sh         Stop the sprinkler

bright.cpp              Brighten images
cropper.cpp             Crop images to 227 x 227 pixels
example.cpp             Simple GPU example used to debug opencv builds
extract_fg.cpp          Foreground extraction utility
snapshots.cpp           Convert a movie to single frames

fcn:                    Modified files from the Shellhammer github
infer.py                Saves a file in addition to processing a file
batch_infer.py          Processes a bunch of files from the command line
tbatch_infer.py         The one I use to process inbound cat images
    deploy.prototxt     A deployment version of trainval.prototxt