SynthesisFilters.jl provides waveform generation filters for speech synthesis, especially from mel-generalized cepstrum.
Note that this package is built on top of SPTK.jl. The package is designed to provide a Julia-like interface with a focus on speech waveform synthesis. A part of the core is re-writen in Julia language from Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK).
- LMADF: Log magnitude approximation digital filter for synthesis from cepstrum
- MLSADF: Mel-log spectrum approximation digital filter for synthesis from mel-cepstrum
- MGLSADF: Mel generalized-log spectrum approximation digital filter for synthesis from mel-generalized cepstrum
- AllPoleDF: All-pole digital filter for synthesis from LPC
- AllPoleLatticeDF: All-pole lattice digital filter for synthesis from PARCOR
- LSPDF: LSP digital filter for synthesis from LSP
- Introduction notebook: a brief introduction to SynthesisFilters.jl. Synthesized audio examples (Japanese) are avaiable.
- Linux
- Mac OS X
- Windows
- MelGeneralizedCepstrums.jl: spectral paramter estimation based on mel-generalized cepstrum analysis
- SPTK.jl: a thin wrapepr for the SPTK
- WORLD.jl: a lightweight julia wrapper for WORLD - a high-quality speech analysis, modification and synthesis system