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  • Created over 6 years ago
  • Updated 9 months ago


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The ultimate react workspace and panel management system for ambitious web apps

STORM React Workspaces

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DEMO: http://projectstorm.cloud/react-workspaces

A React library which provides a complete workspace management system to power ambitious web apps.


  • Pluggable model and behavior system, implemented as a monorepo with separate npm packages
  • Fully native drag and drop (even across multiple browser windows)
  • Resizable everything, including split panels and floating windows
  • Drop-zones which transform panels into other models (such as trays and tabs)
  • Useful (and customizable) models out of the box (tab groups, tray groups, floating windows)
  • Performant rendering system, only re-render what is actively changing (on-top of what the React fibre engine already provides)
  • Tree based, event driven models (all changes to the model can be observed with listeners)
  • Layer based, with all interaction controls such as resize dividers and controls implemented as top-level layers
  • Complete debug system, to draw all hidden controls and show reported panel sizes
  • Written in TS with exported types in published packages




  • Take a look at the demos URL as well as the demo folder (docs will follow soon)
  • There is also an example project folder, which shows bare-bones (native JS) of the library