Web App "TownUtilityBillSystem V2" helps to manage by data for the town utility services such as an electricity, a water, a heating and a gas. Also it operates by the customer bill system. Web App "TownUtilityBillSystem V2" is developed by using -- C#/.NET MVC, Entity Framework, -- SQL (+DB Table indexes) -- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Razor, AJAX, JSON, -- Javascript/Typescript (+ WebPack using) -- Google Maps APIs, highcharts.js -- Unit and Integration Tests (Mocks, Ninject, total amount = 43) -- Multi-languages (En, Da, De) -- Dependency Injection -- Patterns (Singleton, Strategy, Iterator, Builder, MVC, Publisher-Subscriber) -- PDFfileCreator -- Multithreads (bases) The app manages by data from the database: -- 23 related tables, -- 4 utility service (electricity, water, heating, gas), -- 1002 buildings, -- 1062 customers (23 types), -- 3294 meters, -- 11 meter types (with different numbers, verification periods).