ShipM8, the mobile app for monitoring Kubernetes
ShipM8 is a mobile application for Kubernetes with support for AWS EKS deployments.
ShipM8 is made with React Native. For development purposes you can run the application using both iOS and Android simulators.
To get started with development (iOS)
To develop and test the application you need to setup your local environment, then run the simulator. You'll need the React Native CLI, Xcode, and Cocoapods. Be sure you have Xcode installed (at least version 11.3.1).
Once you have Xcode properly installed
Install react-native-cli
npm install -g react-native-cli
With react-native-cli
npm install
Next, install cocoapods
if you have not already
sudo gem install cocoapods
Install iOS dependencies
cd iOS/ && pod install
Finally, cd back to main project directory and run the app on iOS
npm run ios
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