This is a simple yet effective method to download LARGE files from google drive using Python I have only tried it with Python 3.6 I have NOT tried it with Folders instead of Files
I have only taken the python code in this stackoverflow answer and put it in a IPython Notebook
All you need to do is this:
- Get the file ID of your file on Google Drive (i.e. from the sharable link)
- Paste the file ID in file_id
- Specify the full path of where you want to save the downloaded file
- call the function download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, destination)
file_id = '0B6lEo20DNMISIJDSJDVBMENXbkE'
destination = '/home/myusername/work/myfile.ext'
download_file_from_google_drive(file_id, destination)