Kirimase is a command-line tool for building full-stack Next.js apps faster. It supercharges your development workflow, allowing you to quickly integrate packages and scaffold resources for your application with best practices in mind.
Watch the most recent demo here
Longer demo here
- Initialization and Configuration: quickly add and set up essential packages to jump-start your Next.js project.
- Code Generation: scaffold models, views, and controllers directly from the CLI.
Quick Start
Install Kirimase CLI globally:
npm install -g kirimase
If you don't already have a Nextjs app, run create-next-app with your preferred package manager.
Then run the following command within the directory of your project:
kirimase init
Note: Kirimase is not compatible with the the pages directory.
Run these commands within the directory of your Nextjs app:
kirimase add
1. Initializes and configures the following packages for your Next.js project, categorized into:
- Based on your chosen database type (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite), Kirimase sets up the required files for Drizzle-ORM, drizzle-zod for validations and and drizzle-kit to manage migrations.
- Scripts are auto-added to
for immediate use of drizzle-kit.
- Kirimase sets up required files for Prisma with zod-prisma for validations.
- Generates files for Auth.js (Next-Auth), including the latest Drizzle adapter. (For PlanetScale, references are excluded as it doesn't support foreign keys).
- Generates a generic sign-in component for immediate use within your Next.js project.
- Wraps the root layout with the auth provider and generates utilities for auth checks and redirects in your Next.js routes.
- Generates files for Clerk including all necessary config.
- Wraps the root layout with the auth provider and generates utilities for auth checks and redirects in your Next.js routes.
- Generates files for Lucia including all necessary config.
- Generates UI and API routes for sign-in and sign-up
- Generates files for Kinde including all necessary config.
- Generates sign in component and route handler
- Generates files to configure tRPC with the app router.
- Provides client-side tRPC and scaffolds server-side configuration using the experimental server-invoker pattern.
- Wraps the root layout in the tRPC provider.
- Installs and configures Shadcn-UI including button and toast components.
- Inserts the toast-provider (
<Toaster />
) to the root layout for instant toast notifications in your Next.js app.
- Installs and configures Stripe within your Next.js project so you can start accepting subscription payments.
- Installs and configures Resend
Kirimase also adds relevant keys to your .env
which you'll need to provide values for.
kirimase generate
2. Akin to rails scaffold
but for Next.js:
Kirimase generates:
a) Model:
- Generates a drizzle schema with column types based on your SQL flavor and database provider.
- Uses drizzle-zod to generate Zod schemas for frontend and backend validation.
- Generates queries and mutations for CRUD operations, fully typed and optimized for consumption via a Next.js front-end.
b) Controller:
- Gives you an option to scaffold tRPC, Server Actions and/or API routes.
- Uses Zod schemas from models for request validation.
- Includes built-in error handling for API routes and auto-adding of tRPC routes to the root router.
c) Views:
- Scaffolds views using Shadcn-UI to enable immediate CRUD operations (including select fields for adding relations and datepickers for dates).
- Option to use either React Hook Form with tRPC or plain React (useOptimistic and useValidated Form hooks)
Run in non-interactive mode
As of v0.0.23, you can run kirimase init
and kirimase add
entirely via the command line as follows:
kirimase init -sf yes -pm bun --orm prisma -db pg -a next-auth -ap github discord -mp trpc stripe resend -cl shadcn-ui -ie yes
Command | Short Flag | Long Option | Description | Argument |
init | - | - | initialise and configure kirimase | - |
- | -sf | --src-folder | use a src folder | yes or no |
- | -pm | --package-manager | package manager | <pm> |
- | -cl | --component-lib | component library | <component-lib> |
- | -o | --orm | orm | <orm> |
- | -db | --db | database ("pg", "mysql", "sqlite") | <db> |
- | -dbp | --db-provider | database provider - important if using drizzle | <dbp> |
- | -a | --auth | auth | <auth> |
- | -ap | --auth-providers | auth providers (if using next-auth) | <providers> |
- | -mp | --misc-packages | packages ("trpc", "shadcn-ui", "resend") | <packages> |
- | -ie | --include-example | include example | yes or no |
Keen on enhancing Kirimase? Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are always welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
To run locally:
pnpm i
pnpm run dev
npm install -g . (in a second terminal - this will then make kirimase available across your machine using "kirimase *command*")