Searches for strings, regex, credit card numbers of magnetic stripe card tracks in a process's memory space
Memory/Process Scanner
Written by Matt Lewis, NCC Group 2014
Updated by Tom Watson, NCC Group 2015
Thanks to Jesse Bullock for lots of great ideas
Released as open source by NCC Group Plc -
Developed by Matt Lewis and Tom Watson, matt [dot] lewis [at] nccgroup [dot] com & tom [dot] watson [at] nccgroup [dot] com
Released under AGPL, see LICENSE for more information
Synopsis - keeps scanning a process memory space for a search string (unicode and ascii), regex pattern, credit card data or magnetic stripe data then if found, spits these out either to stdout, a file or a socket to a remote listener
Useful for memory scraping a process, a post-exploitation POC or instrumentation tool to be used during fuzzing.
TODO - Lots of duplicated code could be refactored out
Code adapted from
Original code licensed under CPOL:
-string -s [pid] [Remote IP] [Remote Port] [delay] [width] [search term]
-string -f [pid] [filename] [delay] [width] [search term]
-string -o [pid] [delay] [width] [search term]
-regex -s [pid] [Remote IP] [Remote Port] [delay] [width] [regex]
-regex -f [pid] [filename] [delay] [width] [regex]
-regex -o [pid] [delay] [width] [regex]
-ccdata -s [pid] [Remote IP] [Remote Port] [delay]
-ccdata -f [pid] [filename] [delay]
-ccdata -o [pid] [delay]
-msdata -s [pid] [Remote IP] [Remote Port] [delay]
-msdata -f [pid] [filename] [delay]
-msdata -o [pid] [delay]
Flag Definitions:
-string search for string
-regex search for regex pattern
-ccdata search for credit card data
-msdata search for magenetic stripe data
-s write output to socket
-f write output to a file
-o write output to terminal
delay time to wait between each memchunk scan
width amount of data to display before and after search term
string to look for in memory (spaces allowed)
regex to look for in memory (e.g. 3[47][0-9]{13})