Custom React Native Snippets
This repository contains few of the snippets that i use in my react native videos on my youtube channel.
Setup Instructions (VSCODE)
Open Visual Studio Code
CODE > PREFERENCES > USER SNIPPETS > javascriptreact.json/jsx-attr.json/jsx.json
Copy the code from this repository into that file.
Issues :
In case your javascriptreact.json snippets don't work, try and copy it into :
javascript.json/javascriptreact.json Snippets
imrnc - Import React Native Component
imrnfc - Import React Native Functional Component
imrnp - Create Panresponder.create
imrnss - Create React Native Style Sheet
clog - console.log("$1")
rnmap - React Native Map Method
rndime - const {width,height} = Dimensions.get('window')
rncomp - Create a React Native Component
rnfcomp - Create a Functional React Native Component
jsx-attr.json -> JSX Attribute Snippets
rnajc - alignItems:'center',justifyContent:'center'
jsx.json -> JSX Snippets
<but - <Button title='${1:title}' onPress={()=>${2:alert('button pressed')}}/>