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    MIT License
  • Created over 7 years ago
  • Updated 2 months ago


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Repository Details

Home for my bootstrap script, dotfiles, and configuration files

This repository contains my dotfiles for BASH and ZSH. They are opinionated and based on my own work flows. I highly recommend that you read through the files and customize them for your own purposes.


In .zshrc and .bash_profile ensure the correct directory is used for the DOTFILES_LOCATION variable.

Symlink the dotfiles from this repository to your user directory. To avoid doing this manually file-by-file, run the install.sh script.

Option per-computer overrides

Place any computer specific bash or zsh aliases, functions, or settings in ~/.dotfiles.local. Anything within that file will be sourced into your environment.

Shell Scripting Templates

My bash scripting templates and utilities now have their own repo. You can access them at natelandau/shell-scripting-templates

macOS specific tweaks

I customized Jeff Geerling's macOS configuration script to set my macOS defaults. Run this script with sudo privileges.

sudo ./osx.sh


In the bin/ directory is a script to help colorize files using less. To use this script, make sure that shell/text.sh points to the correct location for the file.

A Note on Code Reuse

I compiled these scripting utilities over many years without ever having an intention to make them public. As a novice programmer, I have Googled, GitHubbed, and StackExchanged a path to solve my own scripting needs. I often lift a function whole-cloth from a GitHub repo don't keep track of its original location. I have done my best within these files to recreate my footsteps and give credit to the original creators of the code when possible. I fear that I missed as many as I found. My goal in making this repository public is not to take credit for the code written by others. If you recognize something that I didn't credit, please let me know.



  1. Install Python 3.11 and Poetry
  2. Clone this repository. git clone https://github.com/natelandau/dotfiles.git
  3. Install the Poetry environment with poetry install.
  4. Activate your Poetry environment with poetry shell.
  5. Install the pre-commit hooks with pre-commit install --install-hooks.


  • Activate your Poetry environment with poetry shell.
  • This project follows the Conventional Commits standard to automate Semantic Versioning and Keep A Changelog with Commitizen.
    • When you're ready to commit changes run cz c
  • Run poe from within the development environment to print a list of Poe the Poet tasks available to run on this project. Common commands:
    • poe lint runs all linters and tests
  • Run poetry add {package} from within the development environment to install a runtime dependency and add it to pyproject.toml and poetry.lock.
  • Run poetry remove {package} from within the development environment to uninstall a runtime dependency and remove it from pyproject.toml and poetry.lock.
  • Run poetry update from within the development environment to upgrade all dependencies to the latest versions allowed by pyproject.toml.
