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  • Created over 1 year ago
  • Updated 17 days ago


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Repository Details

An LLM playground you can run on your laptop


An LLM playground you can run on your laptop.



  • Use any model from OpenAI, Anthropic, Cohere, Forefront, HuggingFace, Aleph Alpha, Replicate, Banana and llama.cpp.
  • Full playground UI, including history, parameter tuning, keyboard shortcuts, and logprops.
  • Compare models side-by-side with the same prompt, individually tune model parameters, and retry with different parameters.
  • Automatically detects local models in your HuggingFace cache, and lets you install new ones.
  • Works OK on your phone.
  • Probably won't kill everyone.

Try on nat.dev

Try the hosted version: nat.dev.

How to install and run

pip install openplayground
openplayground run

Alternatively, run it as a docker container:

docker run --name openplayground -p 5432:5432 -d --volume openplayground:/web/config natorg/openplayground

This runs a Flask process, so you can add the typical flags such as setting a different port openplayground run -p 1235 and others.

How to run for development

git clone https://github.com/nat/openplayground
cd app && npm install && npx parcel watch src/index.html --no-cache
cd server && pip3 install -r requirements.txt && cd .. && python3 -m server.app


docker build . --tag "openplayground"
docker run --name openplayground -p 5432:5432 -d --volume openplayground:/web/config openplayground

First volume is optional. It's used to store API keys, models settings.

Ideas for contributions

  • Add a token counter to the playground
  • Add a cost counter to the playground and the compare page
  • Measure and display time to first token
  • Setup automatic builds with GitHub Actions
  • The default parameters for each model are configured in the server/models.json file. If you find better default parameters for a model, please submit a pull request!
  • Someone can help us make a homebrew package, and a dockerfile
  • Easier way to install open source models directly from openplayground, with openplayground install <model> or in the UI.
  • Find and fix bugs
  • ChatGPT UI, with turn-by-turn, markdown rendering, chatgpt plugin support, etc.
  • We will probably need multimodal inputs and outputs at some point in 2023


Adding models to openplayground

Models and providers have three types in openplayground:

  • Searchable
  • Local inference
  • API

You can add models in server/models.json with the following schema:

Local inference

For models running locally on your device you can add them to openplayground like the following (a minimal example):

"llama": {
    "api_key" : false,
    "models" : {
        "llama-70b": {
            "parameters": {
                "temperature": {
                    "value": 0.5,
                    "range": [

Keep in mind you will need to add a generation method for your model in server/app.py. Take a look at local_text_generation() as an example.

API Provider Inference

This is for model providers like OpenAI, cohere, forefront, and more. You can connect them easily into openplayground (a minimal example):

"cohere": {
    "api_key" : true,
    "models" : {
        "xlarge": {
            "parameters": {
                "temperature": {
                    "value": 0.5,
                    "range": [

Keep in mind you will need to add a generation method for your model in server/app.py. Take a look at openai_text_generation() or cohere_text_generation() as an example.

Searchable models

We use this for Huggingface Remote Inference models, the search endpoint is useful for scaling to N models in the settings page.

"provider_name": {
    "api_key": true,
    "search": {
        "endpoint": "ENDPOINT_URL"
    "parameters": {
        "parameter": {
            "value": 1.0,
            "range": [


Instigated by Nat Friedman. Initial implementation by Zain Huda as a repl.it bounty. Many features and extensive refactoring by Alex Lourenco.