This is the source code repository for muun's android wallet. Muun is a non-custodial 2-of-2 multisig wallet with a special focus on security and ease of use.
Runtime requirements
- Android version 4.4 (API level 19) or higher
- Google Play services
The app follows the clean architecture pattern, and has three layers:
- Data: handles the data backends, such as the database, the operating system, or the network.
- Domain: contains the models and business logic (use cases in clean architecture lingo).
- Presentation: contains the UI code.
There's also a pure java common module with code shared all over.
For instructions on how to build Muun Wallet please refer to BUILD.md.
- Most of the key handling and transaction crafting operations happen in the common module.
- All the keystore and data handling happens in the data layer.
- All the business logic that decides when to sign what happens in the domain layer.
- The presentation layer only depends on the domain layer, it never references data directly.
Responsible Disclosure
Send us an email to report any security related bugs or vulnerabilities at [email protected].
You can encrypt your email message using our public PGP key.
Public key fingerprint: 1299 28C1 E79F E011 6DA4 C80F 8DB7 FD0F 61E6 ED76