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  • Created about 6 years ago
  • Updated 11 months ago


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Xcode Developer Disk Image for iOS 4.2 and Above

Why We need disk images?

When your apple device got upgraded to new OS, the current XCode version you have used doesn't have the appropriate disk image for that OS version. This prevents you to push the build to the device.

iOS - release note

Download ZIP : https://github.com/mspvirajpatel/Xcode_Developer_Disk_Images/releases

Where to put the new disk images?

Go to your XCode app in the Application folder, open its content and locate the appropriate platform which you're going to add the new disk image. Path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport

Tip: Restart the Xcode

Enable Developer Mode

Enable Developer Mode go to Settings > Privacy & Security on the iOS device. Scroll down to the Developer Mode list item and navigate into it. To toggle Developer mode, use the “Developer Mode” switch.
