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This project handles the free APIs of Axie Infinity NFT game in order to get user's data info through the id (ronin), like SLP, MMR, and each Axies data, using REact and Redux.patashule
This website represents my CSS capstone and is inspired by the patashule website. For this capstone, patashule is a drugstore online directory where you can ask for your medicines, prices, and location.webpack
This is my very first installation of webpack, where I got to know the basics of this amazing tool.LABCG
Awesome Books acts as a CRUD library where you can store books and display them on a list using objects and arrays. The data persists thanks to localStorage functions.pokemon-world
This project is a web application based on an external API that allows getting basic information and pictures about any kind of pokemon. You can post your comments on the pokemon profile and give it likes. The comments and the likes features are stored in another API.custom-ruby-linter
This was a really challenging capstone, to be honest. But it worth it! write code in order to check code's proper indentation, elegance, order, and help to accomplish the best practices to keep projects clean, has been very excited and tricky, but in the end, I've managed to develop some of the most basic linter methods by watching rubocop's corrections.TicTacToe
This is a collaborative project to reproduce the Tic Tac Toe game in console with Ruby language by respecting the OOP concept.micro-frontends-home
"Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to make basics operations.animation-features
This is my presentation profile.odin-kittens
Practice from a microverse tutorial.To-Do-list
This is a To-Do list inspired by a minimalist website. It's used to remind the user which activities have to do and which others are pending, allowing him/her to remove the completed ones.newsweek
My first attempt learning and following rails
A tutorial where I've learned to follow git-flow best practices.SQLZoo
List of solutions from tutorials sectionTo-Do-list-review
This is a To-Do list inspired on minimalist website. It's used to remind the user which activities have to do and which others are pending, allowing him/her to remove the completed ones.leaderboard
The Leaderboard app displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved thanks to the external Leaderboard API service.micro-reddit
This is a Micro-reddit version from the true reddit website and it's goal is to achieve the best coding practices for posts using Ruby on Rails Active Record, applying CRUD actions, stabilishing relations between tables and validating the submitting input data from the user in order to avoid errors witch otherwise could affect the database information.members-only
This is an application for members only of the Odin Project and its goal is to achieve the best coding practices for using Ruby on Rails. Members of the app can see who the author of a post is, but outside they can only see the story.bookstore-app
The Bookstore is an MVP website from the Zeplin project that offers the following features: Display, Add and Remove Books from the list.railsFirstApp
my first approach using Ruby on Rails.react-ecommerse-rl4
Here I present to you my first portfolio made with bootstrap, I took the layout from I like it a lot because it's minimalistic, straight, and simple, it gets to the point with a notary simple beauty. That's how like design: simple, communicative, and beautiful at the same time. As time passes by, this portfolio will present amazing full-stack projects and will be updated whenever it needs to.react-todo-app
This project has a complete version of todo features. It was created using react-redux to manage all of the todo's constant changes (like CRUD events), browser's Local Storage to make data persistant, React drag-and-drop to give it a more animated action, and react-bootstrap to achieve a great look, and API features to get random pictures for each todo.enumerable_methods
Rebuild of enumberable methods in Rubytwitter_mvp
This is the Ruby on Rails capstone project inspired on twitter_redesign I used a lot of knowledge acquired throughout the Ruby on Rails section, MVC, HTML, CSS, and bootstrap concepts, among other knowledge acquired on Microverse to create this MVP app.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us