Jupyter themes
Modify CodeMirror's Color Syntax.
This Jupyter Notebook Extension let's you select the code syntax highlighting. The selected theme is stored in notebooks config file so every time you open a notebook it will automatically load the theme you selected the last time.
# Create required directory in case (optional)
$ mkdir -p $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions
$ cd $(jupyter --data-dir)/nbextensions
$ mkdir jupyter_themes && cd jupyter_themes
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/merqurio/jupyter_themes/master/theme_selector.js
# Activate the extension
$ cd ../ && jupyter nbextension enable jupyter_themes/theme_selector
Find your preferred theme and font at Cell's menu.
NEW in 0.4.1
- JupyterHub support (thanks @dlukes)
NEW in 0.3.0
- Adds Font modification
- Adds line number toggle
NEW IN 0.2.0
- Uses CodeMirrors own api & themes
The MIT License (MIT) | See LICENSE.md
Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, 2017 Gabi de Maeztu, David Lukes