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    MIT License
  • Created about 8 years ago
  • Updated over 7 years ago


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Make Rails testing easier


Ever get tired of adding multiple gems for testing Rails apps? Add this one line to your Gemfile:

gem 'tsuite', group: :test

and you'll get these 7 gems:

  • rspec-rails
  • cucumber-rails
  • database_cleaner
  • simplecov
  • launchy
  • rack_session_access
  • poltergeist

Bundle, and then it's easy to configure everything with one generator:

$ rails g tsuite:install

Additionally, with RSpec tests you have a new block you can use to selectively cause a group of "it" blocks to run sequentially, without transaction rollbacks:

describe Item do
  before(:all) do
    @red_item = Item.create(color: "red", is_fixed_color: false, cost: 100)
    @blue_item = Item.create(color: "red", is_fixed_color: true, cost: 100)

  context "with a non-fixed color"
    without_transactions do  # <== MAKES THIS PART RUN CUMULATIVELY
      it "should be able to change color" do
        @red_item.update(color: "green")
        expect(@red_item).to be_valid
      it "will still be the same changed color in another example" do
        # Look ma, no rollback:
        expect(@red_item.color).to eq("green")

  context "with a fixed color"
    # ...

Another enhancement for Cucumber testing is to allow most scenarios to run with Selenium, and only run selective scenarios with Poltergeist by using this syntax:

  Scenario: Viewing the home page
    Given I am logged on as a "Travel Agent"
    When p_I go to the home page
    Then p_I should see a list of countries

A shout out:

Props out to Ketan Patel who came up with the original idea for this gem.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/lorint/tsuite. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.