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    MIT License
  • Created over 12 years ago
  • Updated over 4 years ago


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Repository Details

Extract microdata from HTML using PHP. Based on foolip's MicrodataJS implementation of the Microdata DOM API.

MicrodataPHP Build Status

Microdata is a syntax for embedding machine-readable metadata in HTML.

MicrodataPHP is a PHP library for extracting microdata from HTML documents. It is inspired by MicrodataJS, which is inspired by the native Microdata DOM API.

Example use:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use linclark\MicrodataPHP\MicrodataPhp;

$url = 'http://example.com';
$md = new MicrodataPhp($url);
$data = $md->obj();

// Get a property of a top level item.
print $data->items[0]->properties['name'][0];

// Get a property of a nested item.
print $data->items[0]->properties['hiringOrganization'][0]->properties['name'][0];


  • Autoloading (e.g. the autoloader provided by Composer)
  • PHP 5.3+

Check out the 1.x branch for older setups.