Solidity contract and typescript library for static multi-calls.
The MultiCall.sol contract executes multiple calls inside its constructor and returns the result as an ABI encoded bytes array. When the initialization code is sent to the 0 address as an eth_call
operation, the code is not deployed and the returndata that would have been deployed if it was sent with eth_sendTransaction
is returned. This enables simple multi-call functionality for on-chain queries without needing to deploy an aggregator contract.
The class defines a generic function multiCall
that takes an ethers Interface
object or a JSON ABI array as inputs along with the address, function names and arguments to call. The class then decodes the returndata and returns the results as an array.
There are also three more specific contracts in this library that can simplify common use-cases while using less bytecode. These are:
- Querying the balance of a single address for many ERC20 tokens (and ether)
- Querying the balance of a single account and the allowance that account has provided to a specific address for many ERC20 tokens
- Querying the reserves of many Uniswap pairs
All multicalls return the block number the data was pulled from.
npm install --save @indexed-finance/multicall
General Usage
If we have this example contract:
contract TokenMap {
struct TokenData {
uint256 balance;
uint8 decimals;
mapping(address => TokenData) internal _tokenDatas;
function getTokenData(address token) external view returns (TokenData memory) {
return _tokenDatas[token];
We can execute a multi-call with this javascript code:
const MultiCall = require('@indexed-finance/multicall');
const { abi } = require('./artifacts/TokenMap.json');
async function getMultiCallResults(provider, tokenMapAddress, tokens) {
const multi = new MultiCall(provider);
const inputs = [];
for (let token of tokens) {
inputs.push({ target: tokenMapAddress, function: 'getTokenData', args: [token] });
const tokenDatas = await multi.multiCall(abi, inputs);
return tokenDatas;
// Result: [number, Array<{ balance: BigNumber, decimals: number }>]
// The first value is the block number the data was pulled from
Querying Token Balances
// Check the balance of the null address for dai and weth
const multi = new MultiCall(provider);
const tokens = [
'0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f', // dai
'0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2', // weth
'0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' // eth
const account = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const [blockNumber, balances] = await multi.getBalances(tokens, account);
const daiBalance = balances['0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f'];
const wethBalance = balances['0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'];
const ethBalance = balances['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'];
Querying Token Balances and Allowances
// Check the balance of an account for dai and weth
// and the allowance the account has given to the Uniswap router
const multi = new MultiCall(provider);
const tokens = [
'0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f', // dai
'0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' // weth
const owner = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const spender = '0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D' // uniswap router
const [blockNumber, balancesAndAllowances] = await multi.getBalancesAndAllowances(tokens, owner, spender)
const {
balance: daiBalance,
allowance: daiAllowance
} = balancesAndAllowances['0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f']
const {
balance: wethBalance,
allowance: wethAllowance
} = balancesAndAllowances['0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2']
Querying Uniswap Pair Reserves
// Check the reserves for Uniswap pairs
const multi = new MultiCall(provider);
const pairs = [
'0xa478c2975ab1ea89e8196811f51a7b7ade33eb11', // dai-weth
'0x004375dff511095cc5a197a54140a24efef3a416' // wbtc-usdc
const [blockNumber, reserves] = await multi.getReserves(pairs);
const {
reserve0: daiWethR0,
reserve1: daiWethR1,
blockTimestampLast: daiWethTimestamp
} = reserves['0xa478c2975ab1ea89e8196811f51a7b7ade33eb11'];
const {
reserve0: wbtcUsdcR0,
reserve1: wbtcUsdcR1,
blockTimestampLast: wbtcUsdcTimestamp
} = reserves['0x004375dff511095cc5a197a54140a24efef3a416'];
To create a MultiCall
object, give an ethers or web3 provider in the constructor, e.g. new MultiCall(provider)
The MultiCall
class has a multiCall
function which takes an array of CallInput
Each CallInput
- ABI array or ethersInterface
- address of the contract to callfunction
- name of the function to call, or function signature if the function is overloadedargs
- array of parameters to send in the call
Optionally, the interface can be provided as the first parameter and left out of the call input objects if all the calls target the same contract.
The multi-call will then bundle all of these calls into the constructor arguments for the MultiCall
contract, which will call each of the functions and return an array with each call's returndata.
Strict mode
If a call reverts, the default behavior for the contract is to return an empty bytes
for that call. However, you may provide a strict
boolean field as an input parameter to multiCall
which will instead revert the entire call.
has two function signatures:
multiCall(_interface: Interface | JsonFragment[], inputs: CallInput[], strict?: boolean): Promise<[number, any[]]>;
multiCall(inputs: CallInput[], strict?: boolean): Promise<[number, any[]]>;
The result will be a promise which resolves to an array with two values: the first is a number
which is the block number the data was from, and the second is an array with the decoded return data from each call. The data will be decoded by the ethers interface using whatever return types are defined in the ABI. If strict: true
is not given, the result of any call that reverted will be null
The MultiCall
class has a getReserves
function which can query the reserves for many Uniswap pairs.
The input parameter is an array of addresses of Uniswap pairs.
The response from this function is a promise that resolves to an array with two values: the first is a number
which is the block number the data was from, and the second is an object with the Uniswap pair addresses as keys and a UniswapPairReserves
type as values.
// response type
number, // block number
[pair: string]: {
reserve0: BigNumber,
reserve1: BigNumber,
blockTimestamp: number
The MultiCall
class has a getBalances
function which can query the balance of a single account for many tokens or ether.
This function takes in an array of token addresses followed by the address of the account to query balances for. If the null address (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
) is provided as an input token, the balance returned will be the ether balance of account
getBalances(tokens: string[], account: string);
The response from this function is a promise that resolves to an array with two values: the first is a number
which is the block number the data was from, and the second is an object with the token addresses as keys and BigNumber
as values.
// response type
number, // block number
[token: string]: BigNumber
The MultiCall
class has a getBalancesAndAllowances
function which can query the balance of a single account for many tokens and the allowance the account has provided to a specific address for those tokens.
This function takes in an array of token addresses, the address of the account whose allowances and balances are being queried, and the address of the spender for the allowance queries.
getBalancesAndAllowances(tokens: string[], owner: string, spender: string)
The response from this function is a promise that resolves to an array with two values: the first is a number
which is the block number the data was from, and the second is an object with the token addresses as keys and a TokenBalanceAndAllowance
type as values.
// response type
number, // block number
[token: string]: {
balance: BigNumber; // balance of `owner`
allowance: BigNumber; // amount `owner` has approved `spender` to spend