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Aaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa. Aaaaaaa aaaaaa aa.SSTMCSPGAAS
Stupidly Simple Tiny Minimal Coming Soon Page Generator As A ServiceMulti-Quote
Social Quote Generator Botsimple-twitter-fact-bot
Simple facts bot (includes bs4 scraper example)Flask-Screenshot
Take a screenshot using flask... for some reason.Reddit-Notifier
Python bot to send a PM when keywords are found on Redditangrytyper
Very offensive hackertyper mash up (NSFW)Reddit-Flair-Sniper
Reposts or crossposts submissions with certain flairs to chosen subredditsReddit-Username-Availability-Checker
Checks for available usernames on RedditYoutube-and-out
A bot that polls Youtube every N minutes and posts new videos to different social media sites.reddit-delete-all
Deletes all Reddit submissions and comments.Reddit-Fluff
Word Cloud Generator For Reddit Sidebar & Themeblurg
A website with editable content using markdown files stored on GithubNPOTD
Downloads NASA picture of the day to your chosen desktop background folderReddit-Maniac-Crossposter
Reposts or crossposts new submissions from chosen subreddits every N seconds.likestool
Gain points on Likestoollinkedinalot
Follows users on Linkedin on a daily schedule (or not)Reddit-Saved-Image-Poster
Posts saved images to a chosen subreddit and unsaves.InstaSpam
Daily postings to Instagram on PythonEverywhere.AutoReply
Comments on every new submission or comment containing chosen keywords on a chosen subreddit .reddit-automod-sync
Unfollows all users apart from those specified in a whitelist.Tweechie
Post tweet when Twitch users start streamingreddit-troll
A stupid Reddit TrollTwitter-Like-Retweet-Repeat
I think the title explains itTutor-Piles
Slideshow software for tutorsimagee
Image gallery from directorySearch-And-Follow-Bot
I say... What a fancy description. Fwaaar!Drumpf-Troll
A simple piece of scrap to troll that twatReddit-Duplicate-Comment-Remover
Removes duplicate comments on subreddit/
Starter bot templates for various servicesSpace-Hunt-Top-20-Reddit-Poster-Bot
Posts a table of the Top 20 from Space Hunt to a subreddit on a schedule.CopySnoo
Copies submissions from chosen subreddit to another, approves it and applies flair text and css.Reddit-Flair-Analytics
Python bot to analyse a subreddit history and create pretty graphs from the results.Reddit-Pinned-Sniper
Reposts or crossposts pinned submissions from chosen subredditsreddit-leaderboard-thing
Posts a submission to a chosen subreddit every day and deletes it after 24hrs.SpromoBot
Posts submissions to chosen subreddit at chosen times of the dayinstaliker
Like hashtags on Instagram on a schedule.instalike
Download all XKCD comics (sweet and simple)dogey-plugin
Shiba Inu (not a raptor).reddit-invert
A scheduled script to delete all posts on a subreddit every N minutes.Reddit-Dead-Flair
A bot that adds flair to posts that have been reported N times with a chosen keyword.Reddit-Youtube-Spam-Remover
Removes Youtube spam from a chosen subredditDelete-Crap-Reddit-Submissions
Deletes subreddit submissions if older than X and score less than X.removeddit-machine
Reply with removeddit link when called upReddit-Mention-Crossposter
Crossposts parent submission to chosen subreddits when bot user mentioned in comments.weird-reddit
Reads random comments from reddit aloud (text to speak).Reddit-myanimelist-reply-bot
Streams comments and replies with myanimelist infoquiz
Create a quiz from json filesreddit-downvoted-comments
Edit downvoted comments on RedditBuckethead-Recommendations-Collector
Grabs all the recommendations from r/buckethead and dumps them all in the wiki.TRT
Streams Twitter and reposts to a chosen subreddit when keywords are found in users tweets. Controllable via Telegram.jcms
Flat File CMS Usng Markdown, Stuff & PiesShazam-Scraper
Grab top 100 and monitor tracksreddit-crossposter
Check your car in, then check it out. Express available!Reddit-Weather-Sidebar
Displays the weather forecast in the sidebar on your subreddit for a chosen city.user-hunter
Hunts for users mentioned in submission titles and replies with a link to the users profile with optional statsReddit-Daily-Go-Comics-Poster
A scheduled script to upload random comics to Reddit from a specified comic from Go Comics.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us