Let's start with sample of what this gem can do (below are the images of generated previews):
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lso-B_fayhw
If you need to generate complex images, previews, charts or basically represent any HTML snippet - this gem could help.
It's using a Chrome(headless) to convert any HTML to PNG.
If you want to try, you just need a 5 min to see how it works. Gem is comming with an examples which you can modify and use in your real app.
- add this gem to Gemfile -
gem "omg_image"
- make sure you have chrome installed (
google-chrome --version
) - execute
rails g omg
in app - execute
rake db:migrate
- edit sample template
- open any view, for example you have
and put:
<%= image_tag OmgImage::Processor.new('entity', key: 'xxx', title: "OMG,<br/>this looks interesting!", tags: ['This', 'is', 'a', 'sample'], description: "Change me please", size: '600,300').cached_or_new %>
<%= image_tag OmgImage::Processor.new('entity', title: "OMG,<br/>this looks interesting!", description: "Small version", size: '400,200').cached_or_new(regenerate: true) %>
<%= image_tag OmgImage::Processor.new('square', title: "Real-time generation", size: '200,200').cached_or_new %>
- refresh page and see images
- edit/create new previews and use them in any place of your app.
Also, for example you can do it on generate images directly in the models:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :preview
# just an example
def Post.create_new_preview
processor = ::OmgImage::Processor.new('entity', title: "OMG,<br/>this is created from model", description: "Small version", size: '400,200')
processor.with_screenshot do |screenshot|
post = Post.new
post.preview.attach(io: File.open(screenshot.path), filename: "image.png", content_type: "image/png")
To create a new template - basically create a new file in app/omg/<name>.html.erb
. Put any HTML/CSS into it. And use as described above.
- Rails App 5+ and Active Storage
- Google chrome (headless)
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'omg_image'
And then execute:
$ bundle
- you can generate images with any complexity (you just need to know html/css)
- store cached versions of preview by
and you can obtain them byOmgImage::Image.find_by(key: key)
- generate images in background jobs or console applications
- caching for previews by
- ability to refresh preview by
.cached_or_new(regenerate: true)
pass this option with true value if you want to regenerate image
sudo apt install gdebi-core
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
- verify chrome is installed
google-chrome --version
- if you process too many requests and because of timeouts dead processes may appear. To kill them
parents_of_dead_kids=$(ps -ef | grep [d]efunct | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq | egrep -v '^1$'); echo "$parents_of_dead_kids" | xargs kill
- ability to configure app (path to chrome for example)
- more samples (with layout)
- wiki pages with documentation and samples
- ability to preview templates directly by URL
- tests/specs
- options to delay rendering (could be useful if use JS libraries or external assets)
- support remote URL's to render (so it would possible to capture screenshots for example)
You are welcome to contribute.
I've noticed that in a past that articles on dev.to site without images when you sending a link in skype or sharing in FB have have nice preview, so I've implemented similar solution :)
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.