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  • Created almost 5 years ago
  • Updated over 1 year ago


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Repository Details

[Flutter Library] Flamingo is a firebase firestore model framework library. 🐤


Flamingo is a firebase firestore model framework library.



Example code

See the example directory for a complete sample app using flamingo.



Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:




Please check Setup of cloud_firestore.


Adding a initializeApp code to main.dart.


import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';

void main() async {
  await Flamingo.initializeApp();

Create Model

Create class that inherited Document. And add json mapping code into override functions.

Can be used flamingo_generator. Automatically create code for mapping JSON.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'user.flamingo.dart';

class User extends Document<User> {
    String? id,
    DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? snapshot,
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
  }) : super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values);

  String? name;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

Annotation list.

  • @Field()
  • @StorageField()
  • @ModelField()
  • @SubCollection()

Execute build runner to generate data mapping JSON.

flutter pub run build_runner build

It will be generated the following code.


part of 'user.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// FieldValueGenerator
// **************************************************************************

/// Field value key
enum UserKey {

extension UserKeyExtension on UserKey {
  String get value {
    switch (this) {
      case UserKey.name:
        return 'name';
        throw Exception('Invalid data key.');

/// For save data
Map<String, dynamic> _$toData(User doc) {
  final data = <String, dynamic>{};
  Helper.writeNotNull(data, 'name', doc.name);

  return data;

/// For load data
void _$fromData(User doc, Map<String, dynamic> data) {
  doc.name = Helper.valueFromKey<String>(data, 'name');

[Option] build.yaml

If you set build.yaml in the root of the project, the automatic generation will be faster.


            - lib/model/*.dart
            - lib/model/**/*.dart


Create instance the following code.

final user = User();
print(user.id); // id: Automatically create document id;

final user = User(id: 'userId');
print(user.id); // id: 'userId'

Using DocumentAccessor or Batch or Transaction in order to CRUD.

final user = User()
      ..name = 'hoge';

final documentAccessor = DocumentAccessor();

// save
await documentAccessor.save(user);

// update
await documentAccessor.update(user);

// delete
await documentAccessor.delete(user);

// Batch
final batch = Batch()
await batch.commit();

If save a document, please check firestore console.

And can be used field value key and save data by specific key.

final documentAccessor = DocumentAccessor();
await documentAccessor.saveRaw(
  <String, dynamic>{ UserKey.name.value: 'hogehoge' },

Get a document.

final user = await documentAccessor.load<User>(User(id: 'userId'));

Get a document from cache.

final user = await documentAccessor.loadCache<User>(User(id: 'userId'));

Get a document from cache and server.

String name = 'Anonymous';

final user = await documentAccessor.load<User>(
  User(id: 'userId'),
  fromCache: (cache) {
    setState(() {
      // 1. update state from cache
      if (cache != null) {
        name = cache.name;
setState(() {
  // 2. update state from serverAndCache
  if (user != null) {
    name = user.name;

Get Collection Documents


Can be used get and paging features of documents by CollectionPaging.

Query of Collection.

final collectionPaging = CollectionPaging<User>(
  query: User().collectionRef.orderBy('createdAt', descending: true),
  limit: 20,
  decode: (snap) => User(snapshot: snap),

// Load 
List<User> items = await collectionPaging.load();

// LoadMore
final _items = await collectionPaging.loadMore();

Get a documents from cache and server.

List<User> items = [];

final _items = await collectionPaging.load(
  fromCache: (caches) {
    setState(() {
      // 1. update state from cache
      items = caches;

// 2. update state from serverAndCache
setState(() {
  items = _items;

Query of CollectionGroup.

final collectionPaging = CollectionPaging<User>(
  query: firestoreInstance
    .orderBy('createdAt', descending: true),
  limit: 20,
  decode: (snap) => User(snapshot: snap),

sample code


Can be used listener and paging features of documents by CollectionPagingListener.

final collectionPagingListener = CollectionPagingListener<User>(
  query: User().collectionRef.orderBy('updatedAt', descending: true),
  initialLimit: 20,
  pagingLimit: 20,
  decode: (snap) => User(snapshot: snap),

// Fetch to set listener.

final items = <User>[];

// Get documents via listener. data is ValueStream.
collectionPagingListener.data.listen((event) {
    setState(() {
      items = event;

// Get document changes status and cache status.
collectionPagingListener.docChanges.listen((event) {
    for (var item in event) {
      final change = item.docChange;
      print('id: ${item.doc.id}, changeType: ${change.type}, oldIndex: ${change.oldIndex}, newIndex: ${change.newIndex} cache: ${change.doc.metadata.isFromCache}');

// LoadMore. To load next page data.

// Dispose.
await collectionPagingListener.dispose();

sample code


Can be get documents in collection.

final path = Document.path<User>();
final snapshot = await firestoreInstance.collection(path).get();

// from snapshot
final listA = snapshot.docs.map((item) => User(snapshot: item)).toList()
  ..forEach((user) {
    print(user.id); // user model.

// from values.
final listB = snapshot.docs.map((item) => User(id: item.documentID, values: item.data)).toList()
  ..forEach((user) {
    print(user.id); // user model.

Snapshot Listener

Listen snapshot of document.

// Listen
final user = User(id: '0')
  ..name = 'hoge';

final dispose = user.reference.snapshots().listen((snap) {
  final user = User(snapshot: snap);
  print('${user.id}, ${user.name}');

// Save, update, delete
DocumentAccessor documentAccessor = DocumentAccessor();
await documentAccessor.save(user);

user.name = 'fuga';
await documentAccessor.update(user);

await documentAccessor.delete(user);

await dispose.cancel();

Listen snapshot of collection documents. And can be used also CollectionPagingListener.

// Listen
final path = Document.path<User>();
final query = firestoreInstance.collection(path).limit(20);
final dispose = query.snapshots().listen((querySnapshot) {
  for (var change in querySnapshot.documentChanges) {
    if (change.type == DocumentChangeType.added ) {
      print('added ${change.document.documentID}');
    if (change.type == DocumentChangeType.modified) {
      print('modified ${change.document.documentID}');
    if (change.type == DocumentChangeType.removed) {
      print('removed ${change.document.documentID}');
  final _ = querySnapshot.docs.map((item) => User(snapshot: item)).toList()
    ..forEach((item) => print('${item.id}, ${item.name}'));

// Save, update, delete
final user = User(id: '0')
  ..name = 'hoge';

DocumentAccessor documentAccessor = DocumentAccessor();
await documentAccessor.save(user);

user.name = 'fuga';
await documentAccessor.update(user);

await documentAccessor.delete(user);

await dispose.cancel();

Model of map object

Example, Owner's document object is the following json.

  "name": "owner",
  "address": {
    "postCode": "0000",
    "country": "japan"
  "medals": [
    {"name": "gold"},
    {"name": "silver"},
    {"name": "bronze"}

Owner that inherited Document has model of map object.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

import 'address.dart';
import 'medal.dart';

part 'owner.flamingo.dart';

class Owner extends Document<Owner> {
    String? id,
    DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? snapshot,
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
  }) : super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values);

  String? name;

  Address? address;

  List<Medal>? medals;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

Create class that inherited Model.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'address.flamingo.dart';

class Address extends Model {
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
  }) : super(values: values);

  String? postCode;

  String? country;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);
import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'medal.flamingo.dart';

class Medal extends Model {
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
  }) : super(values: values);

  String? name;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

Example of usage.

// save
final owner = Owner()
  ..name = 'owner'
  ..address = Address(
    postCode: '0000',
    country: 'japan',
  ..medals = [
    Medal(name: 'gold',),
    Medal(name: 'silver',),
    Medal(name: 'bronze',),

await documentAccessor.save(owner);

// load
final _owner = await documentAccessor.load<Owner>(Owner(id: owner.id));
print('id: ${_owner.id}, name: ${_owner.name}');
print('address: ${_owner.id} ${_owner.address.postCode} ${_owner.address.country}');
print('medals: ${_owner.medals.map((d) => d.name)}');

Sub Collection

For example, ranking document has count collection.

Ranking model

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

import 'count.dart';

part 'ranking.flamingo.dart';

class Ranking extends Document<Ranking> {
      {String? id,
      DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? snapshot,
      Map<String, dynamic>? values,
      CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>>? collectionRef})
      : super(
            id: id,
            snapshot: snapshot,
            values: values,
            collectionRef: collectionRef) {
    count = Collection(this, RankingKey.count.value);

  String? title;

  late Collection<Count> count;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

Count model

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'count.flamingo.dart';

class Count extends Document<Count> {
    String? id,
    DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? snapshot,
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
    CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>>? collectionRef,
  }) : super(
            id: id,
            snapshot: snapshot,
            values: values,
            collectionRef: collectionRef);

  String? userId;

  int count = 0;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

Save and Get Sub Collection.

final ranking = Ranking(id: '20201007')
  ..title = 'userRanking';

// Save sub collection of ranking document
final countA = Count(collectionRef: ranking.count.ref)
  ..userId = '0'
  ..count = 10;
final countB = Count(collectionRef: ranking.count.ref)
  ..userId = '1'
  ..count = 100;
final batch = Batch()
await batch.commit();

// Get sub collection
final path = ranking.count.ref.path;
final snapshot = await firestoreInstance.collection(path).get();
final list = snapshot.docs.map((item) => Count(snapshot: item)).toList()
  ..forEach((count) {


Can operation into Firebase Storage and upload and delete storage file. Using StorageFile and Storage class.

For example, create post model that have StorageFile.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'post.flamingo.dart';

class Post extends Document<Post> {
  Post({String? id}) : super(id: id);

  StorageFile? file;

  List<StorageFile>? files;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

Upload file to Firebase Storage.

final post = Post();
final storage = Storage();
final file = ... // load image.

// Fetch uploader stream

// Checking status
  print('total: ${data.totalBytes} transferred: ${data.bytesTransferred}');

// Upload file into firebase storage and save file metadata into firestore
final path = '${post.documentPath}/${PostKey.file.value}';
post.file = await storage.save(path, file, mimeType: mimeTypePng, metadata: {'newPost': 'true'}); // 'mimeType' is defined in master/master.dart
await documentAccessor.save(post);

// Dispose uploader stream

Delete storage file.

// delete file in firebase storage and delete file metadata in firestore
await storage.delete(post.file);
await documentAccessor.update(post);

Alternatively, flamingo provide function to operate Cloud Storage and Firestore.

// Save storage and document of storage data.
final storageFile = await storage.saveWithDoc(
    mimeType: mimeTypePng,
    metadata: {
      'newPost': 'true'
    additionalData: <String, dynamic>{
      'key0': 'key',
      'key1': 10,
      'key2': 0.123,
      'key3': true,

// Delete storage and document of storage data.
await storage.deleteWithDoc(post.reference, PostKey.file.value, post.file, isNotNull: true);


Example, CreditCard's document has point and score field. Their fields is Increment type.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'credit_card.flamingo.dart';

class CreditCard extends Document<CreditCard> {
    String? id,
    DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? snapshot,
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
  }) : super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values);

  Increment<int> point = Increment<int>();

  Increment<double> score = Increment<double>();

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

  /// Call after create, update, delete.
  void onCompleted(ExecuteType executeType) {
    point = point.onRefresh();
    score = score.onRefresh();

Increment and decrement of data.

// Increment
final card = CreditCard()
  ..point.incrementValue = 1
  ..score.incrementValue = 1.25;
await documentAccessor.save(card);
print('point ${card.point.value}, score: ${card.score.value}'); // point 1, score 1.25

final _card = await documentAccessor.load<CreditCard>(card);
print('point ${_card.point.value}, score: ${_card.score.value}'); // point 1, score 1.25

// Decrement
  ..point.incrementValue = -1
  ..score.incrementValue = -1.00;
await documentAccessor.update(card);
print('point ${card.point.value}, score: ${card.score.value}'); // point 0, score 0.25

final _card = await documentAccessor.load<CreditCard>(card);
print('point ${_card.point.value}, score: ${_card.score.value}'); // point 0, score 0.25

// Clear
  ..point.isClearValue = true
  ..score.isClearValue = true;
await documentAccessor.update(card);
print('point ${card.point.value}, score: ${card.score.value}'); // point 0, score 0.0

final _card = await documentAccessor.load<CreditCard>(card);
print('point ${_card.point.value}, score: ${_card.score.value}'); // point 0, score 0.0

Or can be use with increment method of DocumentAccessor.

final card = CreditCard();
final batch = Batch()
await batch.commit();

// Increment
  ..point = await documentAccessor.increment<int>(card.point, card.reference, fieldName: CreditCardKey.point.value, value: 10)
  ..score = await documentAccessor.increment<double>(card.score, card.reference, fieldName: CreditCardKey.score.value, value: 3.5);

// Decrement
  ..point = await documentAccessor.increment<int>(card.point, card.reference, fieldName: CreditCardKey.point.value, value: -5)
  ..score = await documentAccessor.increment<double>(card.score, card.reference, fieldName: CreditCardKey.score.value, value: -2.5);

// Clear
  ..point = await documentAccessor.increment<int>(card.point, card.reference, fieldName: CreditCardKey.point.value, isClear: true)
  ..score = await documentAccessor.increment<double>(card.score, card.reference, fieldName: CreditCardKey.score.value, isClear: true);


Clear process only set 0 to document and update. It not try transaction process. Do not use except to first set doument

Distributed counter

Using DistributedCounter and Counter.

For example, create score model that have Counter.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'score.flamingo.dart';

class Score extends Document<Score> {
    String? id,
  }) : super(id: id) {
    counter = Counter(this, ScoreKey.counter.value, numShards);

  String? userId;

  /// DistributedCounter
  late Counter counter;

  int numShards = 10;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

Create and increment and load.

/// Create
final score = Score()
  ..userId = '0001';
await documentAccessor.save(score);

final distributedCounter = DistributedCounter();
await distributedCounter.create(score.counter);

/// Increment
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  await distributedCounter.increment(score.counter, count: 1);

/// Load
final count = await distributedCounter.load(score.counter);
print('count $count ${score.counter.count}');


This api is simply wrap transaction function of Firestore.

RunTransaction.scope((transaction) async {
  final hoge = User()
    ..name = 'hoge';

  // save
  await transaction.set(hoge.reference, hoge.toData());

  // update
  final fuge = User(id: '0')
    ..name = 'fuge';
  await transaction.update(fuge.reference, fuge.toData());

  // delete
  await transaction.delete(User(id: '1').reference);

Objects for model

Map objects

Create the following model class.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'map_sample.flamingo.dart';

class MapSample extends Document<MapSample> {
    String? id,
    DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? snapshot,
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
  }) : super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values);

  Map<String, String>? strMap;

  Map<String, int>? intMap;

  Map<String, double>? doubleMap;

  Map<String, bool>? boolMap;

  List<Map<String, String>>? listStrMap;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

And save and load documents.

final sample1 = MapSample()
  ..strMap = {'userId1': 'tanaka', 'userId2': 'hanako', 'userId3': 'shohei',}
  ..intMap = {'userId1': 0, 'userId2': 1, 'userId3': 2,}
  ..doubleMap = {'userId1': 1.02, 'userId2': 0.14, 'userId3': 0.89,}
  ..boolMap = {'userId1': true, 'userId2': true, 'userId3': true,}
  ..listStrMap = [
    {'userId1': 'tanaka', 'userId2': 'hanako',},
    {'adminId1': 'shohei', 'adminId2': 'tanigawa',},
    {'managerId1': 'ueno', 'managerId2': 'yoshikawa',},
await documentAccessor.save(sample1);

final _sample1 = await documentAccessor.load<MapSample>(MapSample(id: sample1.id));


Create the following model class.

import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:flamingo_annotation/flamingo_annotation.dart';

part 'list_sample.flamingo.dart';

class ListSample extends Document<ListSample> {
    String? id,
    DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>>? snapshot,
    Map<String, dynamic>? values,
  }) : super(id: id, snapshot: snapshot, values: values);

  List<String>? strList;

  List<int>? intList;

  List<double>? doubleList;

  List<bool>? boolList;

  @StorageField(isWriteNotNull: false)
  List<StorageFile>? filesA;

  List<StorageFile>? filesB;

  Map<String, dynamic> toData() => _$toData(this);

  void fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data) => _$fromData(this, data);

And save and load documents.

/// Save
final sample1 = ListSample()
  ..strList = ['userId1', 'userId2', 'userId3',]
  ..intList = [0, 1, 2,]
  ..doubleList = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2,]
  ..boolList = [true, false, true,]
  ..filesA = [
        name: 'name1', url: 'https://sample1.jpg', mimeType: mimeTypePng),
        name: 'name2', url: 'https://sample2.jpg', mimeType: mimeTypePng),
        name: 'name3', url: 'https://sample3.jpg', mimeType: mimeTypePng),
  ..filesB = [
        name: 'name1', url: 'https://sample1.jpg', mimeType: mimeTypePng),
        name: 'name2', url: 'https://sample2.jpg', mimeType: mimeTypePng),
        name: 'name3', url: 'https://sample3.jpg', mimeType: mimeTypePng),
await documentAccessor.save(sample1);

/// Load
final _sample1 = await documentAccessor.load<ListSample>(ListSample(id: sample1.id));

[WIP] Unit Test

※Under construction

Install packages for unit test.


  test: ^1.14.4

Set Firestore and Cloud Storage mock instance.

import 'package:cloud_firestore_mocks/cloud_firestore_mocks.dart';
import 'package:firebase_storage_mocks/firebase_storage_mocks.dart';
import 'package:flamingo/flamingo.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() async {
  final firestore = MockFirestoreInstance();
  final storage = MockFirebaseStorage();
  await Flamingo.initializeApp(
      firestore: firestore,
      storage: storage,
      root: firestore.document('test/v1'));

sample code
