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Customizable draggable tree component for Vue.js


Customizable draggable tree component for Vue.js




npm i sl-vue-tree

Quick start

<div id="app">
  <sl-vue-tree v-model="nodes"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/sl-vue-tree-dark.css">
<script src="dist/sl-vue-tree.js"></script>


  var nodes = [
    {title: 'Item1', isLeaf: true},
    {title: 'Item2', isLeaf: true, data: { visible: false }},
    {title: 'Folder1'},
      title: 'Folder2', isExpanded: true, children: [
        {title: 'Item3', isLeaf: true},
        {title: 'Item4', isLeaf: true}

  new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    components: { SlVueTree },
    data: function () {
     return {
       nodes: nodes

The value property is an array of ISlTreeNodeModel nodes:

interface ISlTreeNodeModel<TDataType> {
    title: string;
    isLeaf?: boolean;
    children?: ISlTreeNodeModel<TDataType>[];
    isExpanded?: boolean;
    isSelected?: boolean;
    isDraggable?: boolean;
    isSelectable?: boolean;
    data?: TDataType; // any serializable user data

For convenience the component's events return ISlTreeNode objects. Those actually are ISlTreeNodeModel with some computed props:

interface ISlTreeNode<TDataType> extends ISlTreeNodeModel<TDataType> {
    isFirstChild: boolean;
    isLastChild: boolean;
    isVisible: boolean;	// node is visible if all of its parents are expanded
    level: number; // nesting level
    ind: number; // index in the array of siblings 
    path: number[]; // path to node as array of indexes, for example [2, 0, 1] in the example above is path to `Item4` 
    pathStr: string; // serialized path to node
    children: ISlTreeNode<TDataType>[];

You can get the list of ISlTreeNode from the computed slVueTree.nodes property


prop type default description
value ISlTreeNodeModel[] [] An array of nodes to show. Each node is represented by ISlTreeNodeModel interface
allowMultiselect Boolean true Disable or enable the multiselect feature
allowToggleBranch Boolean true Disable or enable the expand/collapse button
edgeSize Number 3 Offset in pixels from top and bottom for folder-node element. While dragging cursor is in that offset, the dragging node will be placed before or after the folder-node instead of being placed inside the folder.
scrollAreaHeight Number 70 Offset in pixels from top and bottom for the component element. While dragging cursor is in that area, the scrolling starts.
maxScrollSpeed Number 20 The scroll speed is relative to the cursor position. Defines the max scroll speed.
multiselectKey String/String[] ['ctrlKey', 'metaKey'] The keys for multiselect mode. Allowed values are ['ctrlKey', 'metaKey', 'altKey']

Computed props

prop type description
nodes ISlTreeNode[] List of nodes with some computed props. See ISlTreeNode interface.
cursorPosition ICursorPosition Represents the current cursor position that describes the action that will be applied to the dragged node on mouseup event. See ICursorPosition interface
selectionSize Number The count of selected nodes
dragSize Number The count of selected and draggable nodes
isDragging Boolean True if nodes are dragging
interface ICursorPosition<TDataType> {
  node: ISlTreeNode<TDataType>;
  placement: 'before' | 'inside' | 'after';


event callback arguments description
input nodes: ISlTreeNodeModel[] triggers for any changes to value property
select selectedNodes: ISlTreeNode[], event: MouseEvent triggers when a node has been selected/deselected
toggle toggledNode: ISlTreeNode, event: MouseEvent triggers when a node has been collapsed/expanded
drop draggingNodes: ISlTreeNode[], position: ICursorPosition, event: MouseEvent triggers when dragging nodes have been dropped
nodeclick node: ISlTreeNode, event: MouseEvent handle click event on node
nodedblclick node: ISlTreeNode, event: MouseEvent handle dblclick event on node
nodecontextmenu node: ISlTreeNode, event: MouseEvent handle contextmenu event on node
externaldrop cursorPosition: ICursorPosition, event: MouseEvent handle drop event for external items demo


method description
getNode(path: number[]): ISlTreeNode Find the node by using its path
traverse(cb: (node: ISlTreeNode, nodeModel: ISlTreeNodeModel, siblings: ISlTreeNodeModel[]) => boolean) Helpful method to traverse all nodes. The traversing will be stopped if callback returns false.
updateNode(path: number[], patch: Partial) Update the node by using its path
select(path: number[], addToSelection = false) Select the node by using its path
getNodeEl(): HTMLElement Get the node HTMLElement by using its path
getSelected(): ISlTreeNode[] Get selected nodes
insert(position: ICursorPosition, nodeModel: ISlTreeNodeModel) Insert nodes by the current cursor position.
remove(paths: number[][]) Remove nodes by paths. For example .remove([[0,1], [0,2]])
getFirstNode(): ISlTreeNode Get the first node in the tree
getLastNode(): ISlTreeNode Get the last node in the tree
getNextNode(path: number[], filter?: (node: ISlTreeNode) => boolean): ISlTreeNode; Get the next node. You can skip the next nodes by using filter
getPrevNode(path: number[], filter?: (node: ISlTreeNode) => boolean): ISlTreeNode; Get the previous node. You can skip the previous nodes by using filter


slot context description
title ISlTreeNode Slot for item title
toggle ISlTreeNode Slot for expand/collapse button
sidebar ISlTreeNode Sidebar content
draginfo SlVueTree Slot that follows the mouse cursor while dragging. By default shows the dragging nodes count.
empty-node ISlTreeNode Slot for (optional) message when folder is open, but empty

IE 11 support

You must add a babel-polyfill for it to work correctly in IE11
See IE11 example


Add a folder or item icon via title slot

<sl-vue-tree v-model="nodes">
    <template slot="title" slot-scope="{ node }">

      <span class="item-icon">
        <i class="fa fa-file" v-if="node.isLeaf"></i>
        <i class="fa fa-folder" v-if="!node.isLeaf"></i>
      {{ node.title }}

Select all nodes

slVueTree.traverse((node, nodeModel, path) => {
    Vue.set(nodeModel, 'isSelected', true);

Handle keydown and keyup events via getNextNode and getPrevNode methods







  • added insert method #39


  • Allow to disable or enable the expand/collapse button #33


  • added IE11 support #17


  • added empty-node slot


  • added multiselectKey property


  • added isSelectable and isDraggable flags


  • added getNextNode and getPrevNode methods #6


  • improve drop on the bottom of tree #5


  • SlVueTree.select method added
  • SlVueTree.@nodeclick event fixed