BTC is a novel global and local combined descriptor for 3D place recognition. To achieve viewpoint invariance, we devise a global triangle descriptor composed of three side lengths of a triangle formed by three keypionts extracted from the accumulated point cloud. The triangle descriptor inherently exhibits viewpoint invariance, as the side lengths remain unchanged regardless of viewpoint or direction. While the triangle descriptor captures the global appearance of the point cloud, to further enhance its descriptive and discriminative capabilities, we develop a local descriptor called binary descriptor that encodes the local geometric information of each keypoint forming the triangle. This combination of global and local descriptors allows for accurate and robust place recognition, even in large-scale unstructured environments.
Chongjian Yuan 袁崇健, Jiarong Lin 林家荣
Related paper will be available on arxiv soon.
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Our paper is currently under review, and our code will be released once the paper is accepted.