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  • Created almost 6 years ago
  • Updated 4 months ago


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Simple, Short and Sweet beginners friendly C language programs

Visit my website to know more about me : gouravthakur.com

Beginners C Program Examples

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Simple, short and sweet beginners friendly C language programs

These program are written in codeblocks ide for windows. These programs are not very sophisticated as these are beginners friendly and have many bugs. Anyone who is new to c language can practice these examples.

  • Only programs written in c language will be merged.
  • Beautify/Format your code before making a PR. Poorly stuctured code with inconsistent spacing and bad variable name will not be merged.
  • Use this tool to beautify your code : https://codebeautify.org/c-formatter-beautifier
  • Make sure your program works after beautifying it.
  • #include< stdio.h > is wrong and you must remove whitespaces. #include<stdio.h> is correct.
  • Please check your spellings before making a PR
  • Comment code properly.

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List of programs


This is a personal learning project for me.

Please feel free to fork this repo. Pull request to submit more programs.