to_spreadsheet lets your Rails 3+ app render Excel files using the existing slim/haml/erb/etc views.
Add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'to_spreadsheet'
In the controller:
# my_thingies_controller.rb
class MyThingiesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :xlsx, :html
def index
@my_items = MyItem.all
respond_to do |format|
format.xlsx { render xlsx: :index, filename: "my_items_doc" }
In the view partial:
# _my_items.haml
%caption My items
%td ID
%td Name
- my_items.each do |my_item|
%td(colspan="2") #{my_items.length}
In the XLSX view:
# index.xlsx.haml
= render 'my_items', my_items: @my_items
In the HTML view:
# index.html.haml
= link_to 'Download spreadsheet', my_items_url(format: :xlsx)
= render 'my_items', my_items: @my_items
Every table in the view will be converted to a separate sheet. The sheet title will be assigned to the value of the tableโs caption element if it exists.
You can define formats in your view file (local to the view) or in the initializer
format_xls '' do
workbook use_autowidth: true
sheet orientation: landscape
format 'th', b: true # bold
format 'tbody tr', bg_color: lambda { |row| 'ddffdd' if row.row_index.odd? }
format 'A3:B10', i: true # italic
format column: 0, width: 35
format 'td.custom', lambda { |cell| modify cell somehow.}
# default value (fallback value when value is blank or 0 for integer / float)
default 'td.price', 10
For the full list of supported properties head here: In addition, for column formats, Axlsx columnInfo properties are also supported
to_spreadsheet associates HTML nodes with Axlsx objects as follows:
HTML tag | Axlsx object |
table | worksheet |
tr | row |
td, th | cell |
For example, to directly manipulate a worksheet:
format_xls do
format 'table' do |worksheet|
worksheet.add_chart ...
# to get the associated Nokogiri node:
el = context.to_xml_node(worksheet)
You can define themes, i.e. blocks of formatting code:
ToSpreadsheet.theme :zebra do
format 'tr', bg_color: lambda { |row| 'ddffdd' if row.row_index.odd? }
And then use them:
format_xls 'table.zebra', ToSpreadsheet.theme(:zebra)
If you are using axlsx-rails, :xlsx renderer might have already been defined. In that case define a custome renderer using
# app/config/application.rb
config.to_spreadsheet.renderer = :html2xlsx
And then in controller
respond_to do |format|
The default theme uses class names on td/th to cast values. Here is the list of class to type mapping:
CSS class | Format |
decimal or float | Decimal |
num or int | Integer |
datetime | DateTime (Chronic.parse) |
date | Date (Date.parse) |
time | Time (Chronic.parse) |